Cold-Plus™ Refrigerant Enhancer
Consistently saving our customers 20% on their air conditioning bills Extending air conditioning compressor life
Cold-Plus™ is added to the air conditioner/refrigeration system… In the same manner as freon is added Increases the heat transfer Takes more moisture out of the air Giving you colder vent air Cooling off the space faster Using less electricity
How does Cold-Plus™ work? It eliminates and prevents “Oil Fouling” from the system Makes the refrigerant evaporate at a lower temperature It cleans and coats the friction bearing parts of the compressor enabling them to operate more efficiently and extend compressor life It lowers the amperage pull Lowers the decibel/noise level
THE PROBLEM: “OIL FOULING” Refrigeration systems with mechanical compressors circulate 1% of their compressor lubricating oil with the refrigerant that is circulated throughout the system 1% of 1 quart (128 oz) is 1.28% of oil (in the form of sticky/lacquer-like substance, which fills the pores of the copper tubing carrying the refrigerant to and from the evaporator and condenser, over and over again during the refrigeration cycle… This is significant, as the oil enters the tubes at superheated temperatures
“OIL FOULING”….. Due to the insulating properties of oil, the oil insulates the heat transfer from the cooling refrigerant to metal tubing walls Oil fouling degrades system performance by up to 30%* and higher. All compressor oils available today cause Oil Fouling, impeding heat exchange *ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Experts)
“OIL FOULING” SOLUTION…. Cold-Plus™ technology removes and eliminates the Oil Fouling on refrigeration tubing inner surfaces; acting as a catalyst without chemically changing itself, the refrigerant, or the lubricating oil. Allowing the Cold-Plus™ solution to stick to the metal tubing walls The refrigerant flow increases with the insulating oil barrier gone Oil layer attached to heat exchanger wall impeding heat transfer Activated polar molecule displacing oil molecules facilitating better heat transfer
What happens when Oil Fouling is removed? The refrigerant flow rate increases 10%-15%, causing: Supply Air Vent temperature drops of 2 to 4+ degrees Making the refrigeration cycle shorter Making the refrigerant evaporate at a lower temperature Extracting more moisture out of the air Increases system capacity Leading to more cooling
Elimination of “Oil Fouling” Results In: 10% to 20% Less Electricity Used since Equipment Runs Less Due to Better Cooling More cooling…faster! The compressor runs less The compressor runs cooler, with extended life expectancy
What is the Cost, Payback, and ROI? The cost of installation depends on compressor size and number of compressors Cost effective Payback is usually under one year ROI is up to 600% and higher based on the age of the compressor and extended compressor life
What are typical savings? Residential Commercial Residential customers experienced 10%-20% reduction of electric bill Bishop Dairy in Okeechobee experienced 23.5% reduction in milk chillers President Supermarket in Lake Worth experienced an average 18+% reduction in overall electric bill (A/C units as well as refrigeration units)
What is the Risk factor? The amount of savings depends on the age of the compressor The amount of savings depends on how well maintained the system has been kept up WE GUARANTEE Cold-Plus™ will save you 10% on your Air Conditioning cost
Cold-Plus™ What it is….. What it is not….. Not just a lubricant A one-time only injection Lasts the lifetime of the system Lowers amperage pull Increases refrigerant flow Increases heat transfer Coats the metal/copper tubing with unique, inert substance, which… Lowers the evaporating point Eliminates “Oil Fouling” forever Lowers the decibel/noise level Unique, synthetic oil compatible with all old and new compressor oils and refrigerants Not just a lubricant Does not damage the ozone layer Does not contain any chlorinated compounds, nor does it break down into an chlorine acids Is not toxic Does not have any EPA disposal problems
Cold-Plus™ Installation Done by locally licensed HVAC technician * Prior to, system needs to be running properly with no repair needs (particularly no slow, undetected leaks) Thermostat needs to be running when injection takes place Decibel level and amperage pull are reduced within minutes Cold-Plus™ effects work up to two weeks after injection, unless system is so “Oil-Fouled” that the process will take longer