OSL 2007 Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium Unicoi State Park and Conference Center March , 2007 Service Learning Breakout Group Report Trish Kalivoda and Shannon Wilder, Facilitators
OSL Advancing Service-Learning The Scholarship of Engagement And Civic Engagement
OSL Our Group ●Paige Carmichael, Vet Med ●Joe Crim, Instruction ●Dale Gauthreaux, Terry College ●Mark Huber, Terry College ●Trish Kalivoda, Public Service & Outreach ●Jessica Muilenburg, Public Health ●Jenny Penney Oliver, Education ●Claire Robb, Public Health ●Shannon Wilder, OSL
OSL Literature-Based Definition of Academic Service-Learning ●Course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students ■Participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs, and ■Reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility Source: Bringle, R. & Hatcher, J. (1995)
OSL Characteristics of Academic Service-Learning ●Applies the course content to a community need. ●Has an impact on 3 learning dimensions ■Academic ■Civic ■Personal: values, role in the world,How the discipline affects the world ●Provides opportunities for exposure and interaction with diverse populations
OSL Characteristics of Academic Service-Learning ●Provides opportunities for written and other forms of reflection about the experience and the impact on the three learning dimensions ●Is not volunteer work – It is “intentional” ●Is Contextualized ●Is Practice-Based: An engagement in the learning and practice process
OSL Current Activities ●School, College, and individual faculty member Activities ●Office of Service-Learning ■Advisory Board ■Service-Learning Interest Group ■Global Service-Learning Interest Group ■Service Learning Fellows Program ■Curriculum Committee Faculty Recognition Student Recognition Collaboration Nuts and Bolts of course approval ■Risk Management Committee
OSL Advancement Opportunity 1 ●Certificate of Civic Engagement - a Portfolio of Service-Learning Experiences ■Course-based and Non-course-based Service-learning project Community-based research project ■Directed Community Service ■Web-Based Portfolios that include: Samples of student work in courses or outside of courses Faculty member certifies with grade or commentary Demonstration of impact on community - letters with economic impact statement Capstone question: What did you learn across the three dimensions?
OSL Advancement Opportunity 2 ●Course Identification of Service-Learning Courses ■Ability to tag classes (CAPA) ■An Umbrella Course Number Provides faculty flexibility to test and develop a service- learning project Allows the student to design a project with appropriate course credit Facilitates school and college involvement and support of service-learning
OSL Advancement Opportunity 3 ●Establish Intentional Links and Incentives to Existing Community/University Partnerships ■Use the Archway Professional model with One Athens ■Provide a mechanism or portal to link community needs to campus resources ■Encourages links between different categories of faculty members (academic, public service, clinical, research)
OSL Measures to Assess ●Number of Certificates ●Quantification of participation: students & faculty ●Student web-based portfolios with quantitative and qualitative data - writing pieces ●Base-line data and later post-interaction data on faculty, students (NSSE), and community ●Economic impact studies: Have students cost out: Dollars saved to the community partner ■If community had to paid for the service, it would have cost...
OSL Resources Needed ●Credit to faculty members (in all career tracks) for sponsoring service-learning ●Ways to Expand the Scholarship of Engagement Grants: Larger dollar amounts ■Vet school is offering a match for these grants ■Clinical faculty: get them out of the clinic and into the community.
OSL Impact on Faculty Members ●Opportunities ■Can catalyze faculty transformation: working in communities can inform and transform faculty research and teaching ■Allows for faculty innovation ■Could create opportunities to secure non-state funds to support instruction ■Creates opportunities for faculty collaboration across disciplines and career tracks (e.g. academic, public service, clinical) ■Provides opportunities for exposure and interaction with diverse populations ●Costs ■Time and Effort ■The learning curve in implementing a new service-learning project