Daily Work Journal Prompt Describe an adventure from your life – the wilder, the more epic, the better!
The Epic Slang Dictionary Dictionary 1.noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero and a series of great achievements hero 2. heroic; majestic; impressive 3. of unusually great size or extent An overly used word that is getting totally out of hand. Used WAY too much. "that was epic" "omg this movie’s epic" "that’s such an epic car"
Examples The Odyssey Beowulf Star Wars The Lord of the Rings The Harry Potter The Epic of Gilgamesh
Oral Tradition How difficult is it to retell a novel? Choose an example of an epic and try to retell this story to the class. Why is this easier? What do the two have in common? These similarities served as “marking posts” for bards, or storytellers, to easily remember these long poems.
Epic Hero Cycle The main character is a hero, who is often possessed of supernatural abilities or qualities. The hero is charged with a quest. The hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest. The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions
Epic Hero Cycle The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering. The cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated. A resurrection. Restitution. Often this takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne.
Hero Stories have Similar Elements Hero Infographic Epic of Gilgamesh : Prologue handout
Group Work Your group is the creative team with a concept for a new film, The Epic of Gilgamesh. Pitch your idea to create a film trailer that will interest the audience and leave them wanting more. Be as detailed as possible.
Project Gilgamesh Video Gilgamesh video 2:00 - 5:15 summary 5: 20- 7:00 Enkidu 7:30 importance of Gilgamesh 10:00 Text survival 11:14 Humbaba, Enkidu’s death, G’s quest 16:00 Noah comparison 16: 40 translations 18:00 discovery of text 20:30 depictions of the story 22:35 ending
The Flood Book of Genesis Noah
Journal Prompt Who is a person from your life that has passed on, that you miss a great deal? What made this person so special? If you could ask this person one question, what would it be?
Use your best “guess” to define these words quadricellular quadripolar unilineal semipro semiformal
Journal Prompt Describe a moment in your life that was a time of true happiness, when you felt genuinely fulfilled, if only for a moment.
Match the Definition 1. Austere 2. Decree 3. Contortion 4. Squall A. Sudden increase in wind B. Severe or strict C. Rule or law D. Twisting or bending
Final Thoughts Complete these sentences. Today I learned…. I wonder… I appreciate… I now truly understand…
Final Thoughts 1. Big idea presented today in class 2. Important details you want to remember 3. Personal connections you made between the content and your life outside of school 4. Questions you have about the content