My History Timeline
Your Timeline Contains a specific theme that has impacted your life. Each event is a significant event or example of this theme. The events are varied—showing different ways that you were influenced. Pictures accompany the events on your timeline.
The Narration Use Dipity, an online timeline tool. Each event should contain a narrative, a piece of writing that tells the story of that event and shows how it impacted your life. Structure: 1. topic sentence that shows what the event was and draws us into the experience 2. narrative details that show the connections to your life 3. conclusion sentence that wraps up the impact and shows its significance.
Example: Little House on the Prairie shows how a family, through perseverance and hard work can thrive independently in the wilderness. Similarly, this series was the bridge to my independence as a reader. I clearly remember the freedom I felt while reading these books on the bus, oblivious to all of the noise and chaos around me. The history in the stories also enchanted me, pushing me to think about history as a fluid, relevant piece of my life. I would gaze out the windows and imagine what the land was like when it was just woods or prairie. It made me long to learn more about the past and to imitate this way of life. In a way, the stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder were a bridge to my passion for reading and my love for history.