The director/producer of Some Like It Hot was Billy Wilder—the same man who directed/produced Sunset Boulevard. While Sunset Boulevard is much more of a dark comedy than Some Like it Hot, we still see that this film makes fun of some more serious subjects/topics. 1. What is at least one subject that is taboo to laugh at that was involved in this comedy? 2. How was this topic made into a light-hearted concept? 3. Describe and explain a specific scene to help explain your point.
1. What are at least three subjects that are taboo to laugh at that were involved in this comedy? 2. How were these topics made light-hearted? 3. Describe and explain at least one specific scene for EACH taboo topic that was presented light-heartedly to help explain your point.
Turn in homework and class work for The Royal Tenenbaums.
Dark Comedy (a.k.a.: black humor or black comedy): a sub- genre of comedy and satire in which topics and events that are usually regarded as taboo (i.e.: death, rape, murder, affairs, human annihilation or domestic violence) are treated in a satirical or humorous manner. Type of humor: Sarcasm Self-Deprecating Humor Highbrow Humor Examples: Dr. Strangelove, The Big Lebowski, Harold and Maude, American Psycho, I Heart Huckabees, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Sunset Boulevard, The Royal Tenenbaums Example: