Mission and Vision Lincoln High School A Mission and Vision for our Future
Thank you. On behalf of our students, parents, and community...
To create consensus around a common mission and vision that will help us implement: Common Core State Standards Response to Intervention Our Goal for this Year
Together we are stronger. Our Goal for this year
Staff Input World Café Questions Wordles Mission and Vision Development Day (Wikispaces) The Development Process
What do we do with all of the outstanding, relevant, and creative statements that were developed? The Question
Voting on the staff mission and vision statements as a BLT. Asking the staff to vote on their favorites. We considered...
None of these methods provided the opportunity to develop the consensus we wanted to achieve. We considered...
1. Considered all of the statements collectively 2. Selected common core values from each statement. 3. Combined these values into one common mission and one common vision statement. The Alternative...
Mission Statement: The Lincoln High School community prepares every student to be a responsible, global citizen and lifelong learner. The Result:
Vision Statement: Lincoln High School collaborates with home and community to provide each student with challenging and engaging programs in a responsive and supportive environment. Through high quality academic and co-curricular activities our students will graduate as globally aware, lifelong learners who are well prepared for the demands of the 21 st century. The Result:
Mission – The Lincoln High School community prepares every student to be a responsible, global citizen and lifelong learner. Vision – Lincoln High School collaborates with home and community to provide each student with challenging and engaging programs in a responsive and supportive environment. Through high quality academic and co- curricular activities our students will graduate as globally aware, life-long learners who are well prepared for the demands of the 21 st century Mission and Vision Core Values
(See identified core values within all staff mission/vision statements)
As we work with this version of the mission and vision, we will plan to revisit it after a period of time. This is NOT set in stone
Bringing our mission and vision to life. Or in the word’s of Gene Wilder... Collective Commitments
How must we behave to create the school that will achieve our mission and vision? Collective Commitments answer the question:
We will provide a supportive school atmosphere where everyone feels emotionally, physically, and intellectually safe. We will hold high expectations for student achievement and character, and will guide students to make responsible choices for their lives and the learning process. We will communicate with parents and each other about students and will encourage parents to be positively involved in their children’s education. Adlai Stevenson High School Collective Commitment Examples
Consider our Mission and Vision and develop: one collective commitment you can make to bring our new mission and vision to life. two collective commitments everyone must make Your Help is Needed
Please respond to the you receive from Barb with your answers. Your Collective Commitments
Mission – The Lincoln High School community prepares every student to be a responsible, global citizen and lifelong learner. Vision – Lincoln High School collaborates with home and community to provide each student with challenging and engaging programs in a responsive and supportive environment. Through high quality academic and co- curricular activities our students will graduate as globally aware, life-long learners who are well prepared for the demands of the 21 st century Lincoln High School