Multimedia Presentations Huh? What? Why? What makes one good? Bad? What to include…
What does “multimedia” mean? Includes multiple forms of media – Some form of recorded audio – A visual element – For our purposes, multimedia also includes a “LIVE PRESENTATION”
Audio (sound) Some form of recorded audio – Music Copyright rules allow 10% of song length (maximum of 30 seconds) of each song use for student projects/presentations. Multiple clips (from different songs) may be included School appropriate Credit the original artist/composer/lyricist – Prerecorded narration – Audio included in video – Interview excerpts
Visual Components Multimedia presentations MUST include at least one (better yet, a combination) of the following: – Presentation software: Power Point, Smart Board, online tools – *Other prepared, video/computer visual – Posters/Props – Video
“LIVE PRESENTATION” Planned and rehearsed Interactive – Be prepared to ask questions and interact with the audience – Read your audience’s verbal and nonverbal cues (body language and facial expressions) and adjust your presentation if needed – Listen as well as share
Visual Presentation Do’s and DON’Ts DO – Consider readability, color, and size of fonts. – Choose font and background colors that lets text stand out (contrast), are easy to view, appropriate, and pleasing. – Keep slides simple and brief (there’s really too much on this slide) DON’T –U–Use f ancy fonts just to be different ; they can be h ard to read and d etract from your message –U–Use bright colors, combinations of graphics, or visuals that will burn your audience’s retinas. –W–Write a lot of information on every slide with writing that takes up the whole slide and would take too long to get through before your audience loses interest or gets distracted because it really hampers your message and getting your great ideas across.
Visual Presentation Do’s and DON’Ts (part 2) DO – Use animation, sounds, and “extras that ENHANCE your message DON’T o Put a lot of extra “cool” stuff in just because you can; it’s very distracting and your message gets lost.
Credits Multimedia picture from: Address&biw=936&bih=702&tbm=isch&tbnid=MEN-fM- LKEOo9M:&imgrefurl= oQBVM&w=450&h=300&ei=FPyOTrGSKOaOsQLl4vTFAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=681&page=2&tbnh=128&tbnw=192&start=12&ndsp= 12&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:12&tx=97&ty=94 Music: – Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; performed by Gene Wilder, composed by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony NewleyLeslie BricusseAnthony Newley