What should I recycle? Aluminum Containers (pop) Newspaper Glass Boxboard (cereal boxes) Steel Containers Magazines Milk Cartons Household plastic containers ~Styrofoam being the exception, just look for the symbol.~
Is there anything that I shouldn’t recycle? Plastic bags, wrapping and packaging Styrofoam containers and packaging Potato chip bags/canisters Plastic & metal coat hangers Waxed paper, liners and cookie bags Foil wrapping paper, bows & ribbons Note: The items listed above may only contaminate your blue bin.
What do I place my recyclables in? Blue and clear bags are available for purchase at both the Northern Store and Home Hardware. Recyclables placed in green/black/orange garbage bags will not be picked up as it is too hard to determine if it is garbage or recyclables in such bags. Please note, if you are a resident of Manitoba Housing you may contact their local office in order to receive a complimentary blue bin for your residence.
When do my recyclables get picked up? Recycling is picked up from the curb every Wednesday. Recyclables may also be dropped off at the following locations: – Recycling Plaza outside of Public Works building on Kelsey Boulevard – The L-5 – Churchill’s waste transfer station
Why should I recycle? Recycling reduces pollution Less energy and resources are needed and that helps eliminate some of the harmful effects from producing products out of virgin materials. Recycling saves our resources Our renewable resources need time to renew and we may only allow that to happen if we recognize that our resources can run out and they will if we continue to be wasteful. Recycling makes sense! Not only “cents” but dollars! When we recycle we earn money for better programs and more educational events!
What is Hazardous Waste? Used Batteries Used Oil Tires White Goods such as washing machines, dryers, fridges, stoves, freezers, etc. All Electronics (computers/phones/etc.) Paint
What do I do with my Hazardous Waste materials? All hazardous waste may be dropped off at the Dangerous Goods Bay at the L-5. Or you may contact the Public Works shop for ~Please, DO NOT leave Hazardous Waste materials unattended~
What is composting? Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Composting is an important method of recycling your yard and/or food waste because the numbers show that about 50% of the total waste stream can be composted! Think: Instead of throwing, you should be growing!!!
Why should I compost? Composting has many benefits and they all help reduce pollution. Composting reduces the amount of waste going to landfills Organic material in a landfill break down anaerobically, meaning ‘without air’- and this produces methane gas- a substance 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a contributor to climate change Compost produces a valuable soil amendment which can improve the texture and fertility of the soil.
What should I compost? Many items are compostable! Kitchen and yard waste are prime for composting. Any organic materials from Apples-zucchini, disposable napkins-cardboard and even grass-tree trimmings! For a complete organic kitchen waste list, contact your recycling coordinator, Crystal at the Town office by calling
Did you know!!! By recycling your local Newspaper you could be making a new one! By recycling just 1 pop can you are giving your TV 3 hours of energy! By composting you save energy, resources, air and water pollution! By RECYCLING………………………….
You are making a BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!
Thank you for Recycling and keep up the great work! If you have any questions or comments, please contact your If you have any questions or comments, please contact your Local Recycling Coordinator, Local Recycling Coordinator, Or contact Public Or contact Public