CHURCHILL’S VIRTUES His Observations: The Leader as Captain of the Team; Always look for opportunities to advance bold new initiatives.
Virtues I Optimism –“Laugh a little, and teach your men and women to laugh.” –“If you can’t smile, grin.” –“If you can’t grin, keep out of the way until you can.” Kindness, Magnanimity, and Gratitude. –“I do not harbor malice. I always forgive political attacks or ill-treatment not directed at private life.”
Virtues II Independent Judgment and Self- Criticism –“Every night I try myself by Court Martial to see if I have done anything effective during the day.” –“Criticism... is like pain in the human body. It is not pleasant, but where would the body be without it?” Loyalty as a team player.
Virtues III Rest, Relaxation and Change of Pace. –“There is never a good time for a vacation, so take one anyway.” –“To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least 2 or 3 hobbies.” –For every purpose of business or pleasure, mental or physical, we ought to break our day and marches into two Calmness Under Stress. –[Churchill used to take a nap almost every afternoon and then a bath after the nap.]
Virtues IV Preference for Personal Contact. Ability to Face Bad News Squarely –“Trust the people, tell the truth.” “It is a mistake to shrink from stating the facts to the public.” Always concentrate on the broad view and the central features of the problem at hand. –“It is a good thing to stand away from the canvas from time to time and take a full view of the picture.
Virtues V Factor in risk and chance by keeping things in proper proportion. –“Assume that the favorable and adverse chances equate, and then eliminate them both from the calculation.” Keep open to changing your mind in the presence of facts. –“I would rather be right than consistent.”
Virtues VI Be careful not to look too far ahead. –“Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” Avoid excessive perfectionism. –‘“Nothing avails but perfection’ may be spelt shorter, ‘Paralysis.’” “Do not let the better be the enemy of the good.” Provide clear direction. –“It is essential that you should beforehand give the decisions which will allow your lieutenants to act effectively.”
Virtues VII Decisiveness: Deliberate and make firm decisions. –“Ponder, and then act.” Historical imagination. –“The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward.” Balance a view of the whole scene with attention to details. –“An efficient and successful administration manifests itself equally in small as in great matters.” Candor and plain speaking. –“I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.”