Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and.


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Presentation transcript:

Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and its Legacy, 3-7 Feb 2005, New Delhi

Johnson & Houze 1987

Houze et al WINTER MONEX Diurnal variation of high cloudiness near Borneo 08 LST 20 LST 14 LST 02 LST S. CHINA SEA December 1978 Bintulu BORNEO

Houze et al Radar Obs. of WINTER MONEX Borneo cloud system Stratiform Precipitation Bintulu

Mapes et al Pacific South America Andes Diurnal gravity wave generation of mesoscale convection over coastal South America

Johnson & Houze 1987

300 mb wind & sfc pressure850 mb wind Percent High Cloudiness in the Summer Monsoon 1999 May-September 1999 < 235 K< 210 K Zuidema 2002

Diurnal cycle, mean percent high cloudiness, 1999 Cloud Top < 210 K Zuidema 2002

r < 85 km r = km r = km r > 210 km Location of cloud systems by horizontal dimension May-September 1999 Cloud Top < 210 K

60E 100E equator NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown Webster et al. 2002

Zuidema 2002 JASMINE Mesoscale Convective Systems Defined & tracked by 218 K infrared threshold

JASMINE 1999, Ship Track & Satellite Data E Ship Track Webster et al. 2002

IR Temperature 08:30 LST

IR Temperature 11:30 LST

IR Temperature 14:30 LST

IR Temperature 17:30 LST

IR Temperature 20:30 LST

IR Temperature Ship radar 20:30 LST

2345 LST 22 May LST 23 May LST 23 May 99 JASMINE 1999 Ship Radar Data

Doppler Radial Velocity Reflectivity JASMINE 1999 Ship Radar Data 22 May LST

Doppler Radial Velocity Reflectivity JASMINE 1999 Ship Radar Data 22 May LST

JASMINE Ship Radar Data TRMM Precipitation Radar Swath 23 May LST

TRMM Precipitation Radar shows extensive stratiform structure

SUMMER MONEX 6 July mb wind Houze & Churchill 1987

SUMMER MONEX 6 July 1979 NOAA P3 Aircraft Radar Microphysics 14N 20N 88E92E 88E92E 14N 20N

850 mb wind SUMMER MONEX 8 July 1979 Houze & Churchill 1987

Radar Microphysics SUMMER MONEX 8 July 1979 NOAA P3 Aircraft 16N 20N 82E86E 82E86E 16N 20N Houze & Churchill 1987

SUMMER MONEX Microphysics, All P3 flights, 3-8 July 1979 Houze & Churchill 1987 Columns Needles Drops Aggregates Plates Dendrites   ColumnsPlates & Dendrites Aggregates & Drops Flight Level Temperature (deg C) Relative Frequency of Occurrence Melting

Intense Convective Wide Stratiform °N °E TRMM Precipitation Radar June-Sept,

 Oceanic convection in both winter and summer monsoons occur in deep, broad mesoscale convective systems, often diurnally forced  Ground and airborne radars showed that precipitation in the mature mesoscale convective systems was predominantly stratiform  Microphysical data collected by aircraft confirmed the highly stratiform character of the precipitation, with evidence of ice particle growth by vapor deposition & aggregation  JASMINE 1999 shows the deepest, broadest, & longest lasting mesoscale systems are diurnal & propagate southward, possibly as waves, with discrete jumps in the progression of the cloud systems  TRMM satellite radar data (since 1997) confirm the stratiform character of the precipitation over the ocean—in contrast to that over the land

Diurnal cycle, mean percent high cloudiness, 1999 <235 K<210 K Zuidema 2002

Churchill & Houze 1984 Stratiform precipitation shown by the Bintulu Radar

Houze et al WINTER MONEX Time series of high cloudiness seen by satellite SOUTH CHINA SEA BORNEO December 1978