Failure of appeasement Sept Germany Invades Poland Blitzkrieg- “Lightening War” Britain & France declare war on Germany
May 1940-Evacuation of Dunkirk Allies trapped w/ backs to the sea Forced to escape mainland Europe across the English Channel
June 1940-France falls Northern France controlled by Germany Vichy France- Puppet govt. set up in Southern France (Marshall Petain)
German Blitzkrieg quickly overruns much of Europe & Northern Africa Britain now stands alone against Germany
The Battle of Britain- Summer May 1941 Germany’s devastating air bombardment of London Massive death & destruction Radar, Enigma machine, RAF pilots & leadership of Winston Churchill help English repel attack
Germany invades USSR Operation Barbarossa (Costly mistake) Russian cold & shortage of supplies help save USSR 1942-USSR defeats decisive Battle of Stalingrad
90,000 German troops surrender City was 99% destroyed Germany on defensive for the rest of the war
Lend Lease Act- US ships arms & supplies to allies w/out payment Atlantic charter Aug Churchill & Roosevelt meet secretly to discuss post WWII plans Upheld free trade & self-determination Plans for a United Nations after the war
D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied troops land on Beaches of Normandy (France) Allies liberate France & push towards Germany
American transport to the D-Day invasion. {Death day} American transport to the D-Day invasion. {Death day}
Hitler’s last ditch offensive of the WWII December 1944 The Ardennes Forest, Belgium Germany now on the Run Allies cross the Rhine into Germany March 1945
April 1945 Mussolini caught escaping Italy with retreating Germans Executed & hung in Milan town Square
1945 Allied troops surround Berlin Soviets from the East British & US from West April 30 Hitler commits suicide rather than surrender May7, 1945 V-E Day – unconditional surrender of Germany