Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as an allegory for World War II
By: Courtney Jessica Miranda Audrey
Dumbledore is Winston Churchill Dumbledore tells people Voldemort is alive Dumbledore loses popularity Churchill tells people Hitler is evil Churchill also initially was unpopular
HitlerLord Voldemort is Voldemort wanted to rid the world of muggles (non- magic folk) Hitler wanted to rid the world of Jews Voldemort was half Muggle Hitler was half Jewish Both felt they were part of superior race Death eaters deny relations with Voldemort Hitler’s own SS denied relations with him Both had infamous symbols Both die at end
Harry Potter representsAmerica Both are powerful, immature forces who eventually tip the balance of power against evil
Minister Fudge Neville Chamberlain Chamberlain feared Churchill would take his job Fudge feared Dolores would take job Chamberlain denied the existence of Hitler Fudge denied the existence of Voldemort Chamberlain ridiculed Churchill by using London Times Fudge ridiculed Dumbledore using Daily Prophet is Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of England before Winston Churchill
Dolores Umbridge Lord Halifax Umbridge became Hogwart's Headmaster Umbridge pretended Voldemort was was no threat Halifax pretended Hitler was no threat is Lord Hailfax was Secretary of War