Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course Dissolved Oxygen Processes Processes and Equations Implemented in WASP7 Eutrophication.


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Presentation transcript:

Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course Dissolved Oxygen Processes Processes and Equations Implemented in WASP7 Eutrophication Module

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Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course DetritusDetritus CBOD1 CBOD2 CBOD3 Boundaries & Loads Phytoplankton Death * Carbon Content Periphyton Death * Carbon Content Fraction * Detritus Dissolution SourcesSinks User Specifies Model Calculated Dissolution = Dissolution Rate * Theta ** Temp – 20 °

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Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course BOD1BOD1 BOD2BOD2 BOD3BOD3Phytoplankton Death * Carbon Content Periphyton Boundaries & Loads DODO BOD Decay * Theta **T-20 BOD Decay * Theta ** T-20

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Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course Dam Reaeration Where: r = ratio of deficit above and below the dam H = difference in water elevation (meters) T = water temperature (°C) a = water quality coefficient b = dam-type coefficient (Chapra, 1997)

Watershed & Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center WASP7 Course Dam Reaeration Polluted State A Gross0.65 Moderate1.0 Slight1.6 Clean1.8 Water Quality Coefficient Dam Type b Flat broad-crested regular step 0.70 Flat broad-crested irregular step 0.80 Flat broad-crested vertical face 0.60 Flat broad-crested straight-slope face 0.75 Flat broad-crested curved face 0.45 Round broad-crested curved face 0.75 Sharp-crested straight slope face 1.00 Sharp crested vertical face 0.80 Sluice gates 0.05 Dam Type Coefficients

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