Casablanca Conference Jan , 1943 Roosevelt and Churchill met in Casablanca, Morocco (Stalin was invited but did not attend) Met to plan the future global military strategy for the Western Allies - decided to invade Sicily instead of immediately invading Western Europe - planned strategy in Pacific and far East - agreed on the concentrated bombing of Germany Demanded an “unconditional surrender” from Germany Italy, and Japan
Cairo Conferences November-December 1943 First Cairo Conference: - Nov Churchill and FDR discussed plans for the Normandy Invasion - with Chinese Leader, Chiang Kai-shek, declared goal to give back the territories Japan had seized since 1914 (Korean Independence Second Cairo Conference: - FDR and Churchill tried to persuade Turkey to join the Allied powers - Roosevelt informed Churchill that he chose Dwight Eisenhower as supreme commander of the Normandy Invasion
Tehran Conference Nov. 28- Dec.1, 1943 FDR, Churchill, and Stalin discussed opening and second front in western Europe and an invasion of German-occupied France Stalin wanted to keep the frontiers from the German- Soviet Nonaggression Pact of 1939, the Russo- Finnish Treaty of 1940, and wanted the Baltic coast of East Prussia 3 Allied leaders unsure of what to do with Germany and a postwar international organization (UN) Soviet Union disagreed with western Allied support of the Polish government stationed in London Agreed to give Iran postwar independence and economic assistance for being partly occupied during the war.
Yalta Conference Feb. 4-11, 1945 FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta in the Crimea to plan the final defeat of Nazi Germany The dividing up of Germany The formation of the United Nations German war reparations The entry of Soviet forces into the Far-Eastern front (Japan) The final, and most difficult issue, the future of Poland
Potsdam Conference July 17-Aug 2, 1945 President Truman, Prime Minister Churchill (later Attlee), Premier Stalin Germany was split up and control was given to many allied powers National Socialism and Nazi ideologies outlawed Germany disarmed and econ. Decentralized; development of agriculture encouraged Ultimatum to Japan Many disagreements and different interpretations of the Potsdam agreement; ultimately not a success