World History Chapter 31
The Cold War started at the end of WWII and ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up The Soviet Union forced communism on all of eastern Europe (including Poland, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, & Yugoslavia) Most of western Europe feared Soviet take over The line that divided eastern and western Europe was known as the “iron curtain”
UNITED KINGDOM & U.S. CHARACTERISTICS SOVIET UNION CHARACTERISTICS Government – Democracy (power of government lies with the people) Economy – Capitalist (free enterprise) Major religion - Christian Government – Totalitarian (government has total control) Economy – Communism (government controls most aspects of the economy) Major religion - Atheist
Causes: 1. The Soviet Union believed that the US and UK delayed helping them fight the Germans, hoping they might kill each other off 2. US and UK would not share secrets of the atom bomb 3. The Soviets broke their pledge to not spread communism to eastern European countries
The Soviets needed a port on the Med. Sea so they support the communist takeover in Greece The Soviets threaten Turkey for control of the straight In response, the U.S. creates the Truman Doctrine It says that the US will send money, military equipment, and military advisors to any country needing assistance from the Soviet Union (called containment) $400 million was sent to protect Turkey and Greece
George Marshall was in charge of the US Army in WWII and then later promoted to Secretary of State He proposed the Marshall Plan which would give money to eastern European countries needing to rebuild under the control of Britain Originally called the European Recovery Act By 1950, all western European countries had recovered; help was offered to eastern Europe and Russia but they refused
Winston Churchill made the speech in 1946 in Fulton, Missouri Churchill was the PM of the UK In his speech, he said that leadership of the world has been passed from the UK to the US He also said that an iron curtain has fallen across Europe
Containment Policy – a policy that was intended to stop the spread of communism Set up NATO in 1949 – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – which said that any attack against any member would be an attack on all members (included US, Canada, and western Europe) CENTRO, SEATO, ANZUS were later set up
Germany was divided into 4 sections after the war controlled by: US, UK, France, and Russia UK and US wanted Germany to be part of the Marshall plan so US, UK, and France all joined their sections and called it west Berlin In 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected to display the division but was torn down in 1989 (See VIDEO)VIDEO The Cold War ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991