History of the Frank Family By: Caleb Lacy, Josh Whitehorn and Drake Hudspeth
Otto Frank Born May 12, 1889 Moved to America and worked at Macy’s in 1909 Returned to Germany 1911 Drafted into German Army in 1914 Sets up Opekta spice company in 1933 Sent to Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands
Otto Frank (continued) Deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on September 3, 1944 Moves to Basel, Switzerland Married Elfriede Markovits in 1953 Dies at the age of 91
Opekta Spice Factory
Born on January 16, 1900 Sister Betti dies in 1914 Graduated High School in 1916 Married Otto Frank in May of 1925 Margot born 1926 Anne born 1929 Died January 6, 1945 Edith Frank
Anne Frank Born in Frankfurt, Germany 30,000 out of 540,000 people in Frankfurt were Jewish When Anne was 4, Otto decided Germany was no longer safe She named her diary Kitty They were found on Friday, August 4, 1944 Anne died in February 1945, two months before the camp was liberated