Course ILT Getting started with PC hardware support Unit objectives Identify the external components of a PC Distinguish between hardware, software, and firmware Describe troubleshooting models
Course ILT Topic A Topic A: Computer components overview Topic B: Hardware, software, and firmware Topic C: Troubleshooting models
Course ILT External components Case Monitor Speaker Keyboard Mouse
Course ILT Internal components Power supply CD-ROM drive Hard drive CPU/fan Motherboard Adapter Floppy drive
Course ILT Activity A-1 Identifying external components of a PC
Course ILT Notebook computer Monitor Keyboard Touchpad
Course ILT Activity A-2 Identifying the components of a network computer
Course ILT Topic B Topic A: Computer components overview Topic B: Hardware, software, and firmware Topic C: Troubleshooting models
Course ILT Hardware Physical components: –Monitor –Printer –CD or DVD drive –CPU processing chip
Course ILT Software Instructions processed by CPU –Operating system –Word processors –Spreadsheets –Graphics editors
Course ILT Firmware Software stored on a chip –Software written permanently or semi- permanently to a computer chip
Course ILT Activity B-1 Comparing hardware, software, and firmware
Course ILT Topic C Topic A: Computer components overview Topic B: Hardware, software, and firmware Topic C: Troubleshooting models
Course ILT Troubleshooting models CompTIA A+ troubleshooting model CompTIA Network+ model Novell network troubleshooting model The ASID model
Course ILT Basic stages of troubleshooting Back up data Divide and analyze Verify Research Document
Course ILT CompTIA A+ model Identify Analyze Test Evaluate Document
Course ILT CompTIA Network+ model Identify the exact issue Re-create the problem Isolate the cause Formulate a correction Implement the correction Test the solution Document the problem and solution Provide feedback
Course ILT Novell troubleshooting model Try some quick, obvious fixes Gather basic information Develop a plan Execute your plan Verify user satisfaction Document the problem and solution
Course ILT The ASID model Acquire Simplify Implement Document
Course ILT Documentation Paper vs. software Organization scheme Level of detail
Course ILT Microsoft Knowledge Base Problem and solution references Download patches and new releases Explanations for many Microsoft error messages URL is Print articles or save articles for later reference
Course ILT Activity C-1 Troubleshooting problems
Course ILT Unit summary Identified the external components of a PC Distinguished between hardware, software, and firmware Described troubleshooting models