…. Or will it?
GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates Each of these countries is undergoing major education reform with ambitious targets for school improvement.
Each GCC country is committed to reforming their education sector with the strategic intent of creating a knowledge based society, and thus acquiring all the perceived benefits of such a society, whilst preserving their identity.
The UAE consists of 7 Emirates that together make up the United Arab Emirates. Whilst there is a Federal Education Ministry this mainly pertains to higher education. Major education reform mostly occurs within the three largest Emirates; Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Sharjah. For this brief synopsis I will relate to my knowledge of reform within these three Emirates, although the issues apply equally across all projects.
Private: International; offering International (IBO, IPC) & National Curricula (UK, US, other) Students; diverse /Teachers; Western/Arabic Private: National Curricula, 20 types Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Arabic, UAE etc Students/Teachers; reflects curriculum Public: UAE Ministry Curriculum Students; local children/Teachers; Arabic
Numerous schools, within private and public domains have adopted western pedagogical approaches as part of the reform programme, believing these will address identified weaknesses within their own approaches to schooling. These new approaches have been introduced through a variety of methodologies; wholesale purchase of curricula, teacher/mentor programmes, short/medium term consultancies, partnerships and principal coaching.
Regardless of school type, importing a curriculum model in isolation, that is, attempted cloning of one school or one system’s DNA, will of itself not be sufficient to achieve the transformation being sought. Some successes.....& failures.
Understand the cultural norms.. morals, values, behaviours, communication, family, gender roles, “wasta” Ensure teachers have addressed their own prejudices, misconceptions and knowledge gaps Engage stakeholders as partners… do they want what they think they want….foster partnerships…stick to principles…… Focus on the quality of teaching & learning didactic v inquiry, teacher v student centred, outcome v process Ensure cultural relevance of content and make connections In unison with desire for proficiency in English ; respect, emphasise & nurture mother tongue Preserve the history and culture of host country
Traditional teacher-student relationship hierarchy/authoritarian Gender differences… learning styles, motivation/aspirations, roles, subject choices, sports, camps… Defining “learning” …deep understanding or memorisation & what of failure…assessment….. Materials and resources… what’s appropriate, what isn’t, literature reflecting cultural heritage… multi-cultural literature …. Breadth and depth of curriculum (music, drama, sport, camps, sciences, Arabic, Islamic Studies, vocational, integrated studies..)
Teaching to fish requires much more than just throwing in the line…….. To be successful and ultimately sustainable, imported pedagogical reform projects require a coordinated approach in developing curricula responsive to the needs of a knowledge based society that builds community capacity for change, whilst respecting traditions, beliefs and societal values.