Best practises WP3 Sonja Virtanen, Pasi Ikonen, Aki Rasinen University of Jyväskylä
Trick-track -project / three variations Main objectives: experimental learning / problem solving and learning by doing experiences of success positive attitude towards technology experimental learning / problem solving and learning by doing experiences of success positive attitude towards technology co-operative learning, group working, creative problem solving, projects which help to understand technical world, encouraging for creativity co-operative learning, group working, creative problem solving, projects which help to understand technical world, encouraging for creativity in a given context students are able to apply their know-how of materials and tools in practice in a given context students are able to apply their know-how of materials and tools in practice combine them to create inventive solutions combine them to create inventive solutions
Three various trick-tracks 1. Electricity -trick track - natural science integrated with problem solving 2. Metals -trick track - use of metals and acrylic integrated with technological problem solving 3. Trick track of pneumatics, structures, mechanisms, electrics / electronics, automation
Trick-track no. 1. Objectives: working in groups, problem solving working in groups, problem solving understand how to build an electric circuit and how the switch works understand how to build an electric circuit and how the switch works brainstorming, inventiveness, experimental approaches, creativity brainstorming, inventiveness, experimental approaches, creativity
Instructions for trick-track no. 1. duration 30 min. Working in groups of 2-3 students: The task is to build a track for a metal ball over a gorge. When the ball has crossed the gorge, it has to ring a buzzer. To solve the problem you can use materials you have on the table. To solve the problem you can use materials you have on the table. (cardboard 2x A4, scissors, glue, tape, piece of aluminium foil, 3 electric wires, battery (minimum.3 Volts),( battery container), metal ball
One solution
Another solution
Learning can be fun
Trick-track no. 2. Objectives: skills like problem solving, working in groups, creativity, inventiveness, flexibility, application skills like problem solving, working in groups, creativity, inventiveness, flexibility, application in a given context students are able to apply their knowledge and tools in practice and combine them to create inventive solutions in a given context students are able to apply their knowledge and tools in practice and combine them to create inventive solutions pedagogical means, why problem solving skills are important and how to teach them technological problem solving (different approaches) pedagogical means, why problem solving skills are important and how to teach them technological problem solving (different approaches)
Instructions for trick-track no. 2. duration 4 hours Students have familiarized themselves with various metal and acrylic techniques Working in groups of 2-3 students: construct a frame construct a frame the task is to build a trick-track for a ball by making good use of the frame (use mainly metal materials + acrylic) the task is to build a trick-track for a ball by making good use of the frame (use mainly metal materials + acrylic) pop-riveting, welding pop-riveting, welding ball must do a few tricks and keep on rolling as long as possible ball must do a few tricks and keep on rolling as long as possible
Trick-track no. 3. duration about 30 hours Objectives: creative and inventive use of techniques you have learnt during studies: creative and inventive use of techniques you have learnt during studies: - knowledge of materials and tools, ”know-how” - pneumatics, structures, mechanisms, electrics/electronics, automation to study and use of ICT (voice + picture editing) to study and use of ICT (voice + picture editing)