WSE Science meeting Oct. 22, 2014
Next meeting 2 nd Semester 3 rd gradeThur., Jan 22, th gradeMon., Jan. 26, th gradeThur., Feb. 5, th gradeTue., Feb. 10, th gradeMon., March 9, th gradeMon., March 16, 2015
Science Chairs group Not just for official science chair people Give me your name if you’d like to get all of my mail
5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th Bad news first: WCPS 2014 growth Bio
WCPS average 6 th grade, 2014 avg. -0.5
WSE 6 th grade, 2014
WCPS average 7 th grade, 2014 avg.
WSE 7 th grade, 2014 avg. +4.2
Magic trick kids want to know how that works. Figuring out how things work is science.
Little kids like science! Good lessons (math, ELA, Sci, SS) take advantage of this human instinct. Everyone starts life as a scientist/artist Good news
Middle School Where we grind the interest out of most kids “I can’t draw...I’m no good at science.”
Science confidence Guys have more of it than girls. Fact: guys get worse grades in science, but take more science classes—have more science careers
How to destroy confidence: Make ‘em memorize facts
Memorizing is hard work Need a reason to do this work – a grade isn’t always enough
Easy to get hung up with facts Base of Blooms pyramid Easy to write tests for In the world of Google it’s hard to get kids to see the point of memorizing facts.
Focus on concepts Fact Concept Fact Facts are easily forgotten—concepts stick with you
Example: infiltration Water Cycle transporation precitation runoff evaporation ground water condensation sublimation
Teach Concept 1 st Teach Vocabulary 2 nd A new word needs something to attach to. If at all possible, give students understanding of concept before using the vocabulary. e.g. A toddler learns the word “chair” only after becoming familiar with the concept of chairs.
Project Based Learning (PBL) A hassle, but research says it’s worth it Requires content knowledge from all content areas Science Fair!!!! Start soon! (district Science Fair Jan. 17, 2015) A good project takes weeks to do right.
Science Fair timeline Google Doc shared with all science contacts MS Word doc on website
Science Fair categories (detailed doc. on my website) 1.Biological Science A 2.Biological Science B 3.Chemistry 4.Earth/Environmental Science 5.Physics and Astronomy 6.Technology/Engineering
Science Fair cont. Student must have your approval before experimenting! Student is responsible for getting their project to District Fair. No logos Photos must be credited Culturing must be done in a safe lab setting—Not at home
Benchmarks For your benefit NOT a teacher evaluation tool! Please do NOT teach the test.
Know your content! Allows you to ask probing questions
WCPS Science Resources
Know your Science NCES
Unpacking document Sometimes tells you what not to bother teaching.
Pacing Guides Main purpose of the order is to align with benchmarks
Each school received a set of these seven Page Keeley books. (In your Media Center) DPI has produced a document that links NC Essential Standards to each probe within these books. That PDF can be downloaded from your teacher resources page on the WCPS Science site That PDF can be downloaded from your teacher resources page on the WCPS Science site Cl-Ev-R and Formative probes
Smart Scopes USB microscope you can plug into your computer Also in your Media Center
WCPS Science webpages WCPS homepage, “Academics” tab, Science my
How long does it take for the Earth to rotate once? A.29 days B.23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds C.24 hours D.365 days