By Courtenay Bancroft
Title of poemSlide number Trick-or-treating3 Pumpkins4 Witches5 A ghosts6 Spiders7 Candy Corn8 Squids, Snakes, and Scarecrows too9 2
As I go trick or treating I grab my bag while I’m eating I run down the street A little ghost I meet Boo the ghost said I screamed everywhere I went There was always something creepy I always love trick or treating but it always makes me sleepy 3
There once was a ghostghost Who went to the coast He said with a grin While rubbing his chin I sure am spookier than most 6
Candy Corn Candy corn Candy corn is very sweet Just like other kids of candy I eat Dum Dum’s, Jelly beans m&m’s Just as sweet as candy corn I have loved it since the day I was born Trick or treat give me something yummy to eat If you don’t I don’t care I’ll scream and shout “Give me some candy corn’’! I love Candy corn More that anything in the world 7
Spiders As a spider crawls up your shirt It scares away a boy named Burt They spin a web that is icky Just like something sticky Small, big,wide, skinny, spiders are always something gross People are as scared of spiders as they are ghosts Oh I hate those spiders They are biters 8
Squids, Snakes, and Scarecrows too Squids, Snakes, and Scarecrows too Spooky spiders that Scare you away Suckers, Smarties, Skittles Scarf them up 9
10 Click on the black cat to go back to the poem
11 Click on the black cat to go back to the poem
12 Click on the black cat to go back to the poem