TROMPE L’OEIL- MEANS “TO TRICK THE EYE” technique involving extremely realistic imagery in order to create an optical illusion
Usually done 2 dimensionally
Richard Shaw, Stack of Books Jar #2, (1978). Glazed porcelain with overglaze transfers. ery/index.php?g allery=trompe&i d=13 ery/index.php?g allery=trompe&i d=13
Objective: Students will create an original clay trompe l’oeil of a familiar object using various construction and decorative techniques learned during the semester
Steps Choose a familiar object that you feel you can construct successfully. The object should appear real and not made out of clay. Talk with Mrs. Madray about ideas and create a sketch Begin construction. You can use any of the techniques we have used this semester such a pinching, coil, or slabs. The sculpture should be in the round, not flat. It should be life size. Therefore, it will most likely need to be hollowed out!
What works well… Everyday objects such as… Trash Board games Clothing items Food or candy Accessories
What doesn’t work Anything glass Large items Items that are already made out of clay…duh. No mugs or bowls.