Michael Bostwick STEM Curriculum Mentor GST BOCES.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael Bostwick STEM Curriculum Mentor GST BOCES

The Empire State STEM Learning Network defines STEM as: “STEM education” refers to the teaching and learning of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines, in an integrated, innovative and applied fashion to a level of challenge sufficient for college and workforce readiness.

 43% of 2010 U.S. high school graduates are ready for college-level math  29% of 2010 U.S. high school students are ready for college-level science  25th out of 30: The U.S. ranking in an international assessment of high school student performance in math source: education-in-your-state/ education-in-your-state/

 “By 2016 the 10 fastest growing occupations in New York State will require STEM Competencies.” ◦  “Its time to restore science to its rightful place, and to wield technology’s wonders to meet the demands of a new age.” ◦ President Barrack Obama ◦ Source:

We need to move away from this: And move more toward this: Interdependence in the 21 st Century

1. I have very little knowledge about FOSS other than what I’ve heard around the district. 2. I understand the basics and/or have had the opportunity to discuss FOSS with classroom teachers. 3. I have a great understanding of the FOSS program due to extensive experience with FOSS integration and teacher collaboration.

 FOSS is an acronym that stands for Full Option Science System  Created to engage students in exploration and the construction of their own meaning of the world around them.  This is a critical aspect of the FOSS Program

1. Scientific Literacy ◦ The need for citizens to have at least a foundational understanding of scientific concepts 2. Instructional Efficiency ◦ Reflects current research and uses effective instructional methods 3. Systemic Reform ◦ FOSS recognizes the need to produce 21 st century thinkers with global understanding

 Inquiry  Hands-on Active Learning  Multisensory Methods  Student-to-Student Interaction  Discourse and Reflective Thinking  Reading and Research

 FOSS breaks down the curriculum in the following ways: FOSSExample ModuleBalance and Motion InvestigationBalance PartTrick Crayfish

1. Engage the students 2. Pose a challenge or question 3. Allow students to explore and construct meaning 4. Discuss findings and explain content 5. Allow for further exploration (if needed) 6. Wrap up with word bank, important science concepts, and further inquiries.

 Remember to let the student do the work  Allow students to create their own understanding of the concept  Encourage students to put their learning into words (discourse)  Questioning students is helpful in guided learning  Try to question students in an open-ended fashion rather than leading them to a yes or no answer  Authentic learning takes time and patience – but it’s well worth the investment!

Kindergarten 1. Animals 2x2 First Grade 1.Balance and Motion 2.Plants Second Grade 1.Air and Weather 2.Solids and Liquids Third Grade 1.Measurement 2.Water Fourth Grade 1.Magnetism and Electricity 2.Sun, Moon, and Stars Fifth Grade 1.Mixtures and Solutions 2.Environments

 Take a minute to jot down some ideas that are specific to your area of teaching

ArtMusicLibraryP.E. Technical drawings Why might an artist use a particular color scheme or shadowing technique? Critiquing pieces of music Why do you think this composer choice allegro as opposed to adagio in this part of the song Suggesting supplemental books to enrich the curriculum Read more nonfiction, science related books during open reading times Tying in science concepts to everyday activities How does air resistance play a role in how the parachute reacts when lifted? In general: Ask a lot of probing questions to promote critical thinking. Require students to use scientific skills: predictions, observations, analysis, classification, inferencing, identifying variables, drawing conclusions What is the evidence that supports your claim? Make students defend their choices such as use of color, sound, choice of book, or physical activity. Finding connections to science whenever possible. Lead instruction/activities with focus questions?

 Module: Balance and Motion ◦ Investigation 1: Balance  Part 3: The Pencil Trick  Teacher must facilitate and guide the activity rather than “teach the lesson.”  Move from a teacher-centered classroom to a student-centered classroom.