October 7, 2013 Sarah Schumacher, Manager of Secondary Education COMMON CORE STANDARDS AND THE EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT
National standards Math English Language Arts – Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking & Listening Includes History/Social Studies, Science, and other Technical Subjects Focus on Career and College Readiness Articulated K-12 Assessments aligned with the standards are being created by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Math and English Language Arts are assessed These assessments begin in at 3 rd -8 th and 11 th grades COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS
Building content knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Balance of literary and informational (non-fiction) text Literacy in the content areas Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Text-based questions and answers Writing using evidence Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Academic vocabulary Increased complexity of text WHAT ARE THE BIG SHIFTS? – ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS
Students reading more non-fiction texts in Science, Social Studies, Health, etc. Pairing of literary and informational texts, which can include artwork, film, etc. Shifts in writing – opinion/argumentation, narrative, informative/explanatory Short research projects WHAT WILL THIS LOOK LIKE IN THE CLASSROOM?
Focus – Teachers significantly narrow and deepen the scope of how time and energy is spent in the classroom Coherence – Teachers carefully connect the learning within and between grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Rigor – Students deeply understand and can operate easily within a math concept before moving on. They learn more than the ‘trick’ to get the answer right; they learn the math. Mathematical Practices – Students in all grades are expected to reason and explain, make sense of problems, persevere in problem solving, model using tools, and see structure and generalize. WHAT ARE THE BIG SHIFTS? - MATH
Deeper focus on certain concepts and skills More opportunities for students to explain their thinking Students engaged in discussion around concepts and problems Real-world problems that require students to use various skills and strategies WHAT WILL THIS LOOK LIKE IN THE CLASSROOM?
Teachers learning via a train-the-trainer model – learning takes place on building days or during other collaborative opportunities Job-embedded learning alongside elementary coaches and secondary coordinators Ongoing learning opportunities throughout the year, going deeper into certain topics WHAT DOES TEACHER LEARNING LOOK LIKE?
Developing plans for next year – district-wide and school- based This year, conducting a review of the elementary progress report Will be done with a representative group of teacher leaders Public process in the spring COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS AND COMMUNITY