October 24 th, 2011
President: Matthias Vice-President: Kush Patel Treasurer: Dennis Tran Secretary: Raphael Secretary: Natalie Public Relations: Izzy Dawes Webmaster: Mubasil Shamim “Kings and cabbages go back to compost, but good deeds stay green forever.” -Rick de Marinis
Go there to: Check on events Sign up for future events Track your hours Submit hour requests Contact the board SUBMIT ALL HOURS ONLINE
Goal: 25 Recorded Hours of Service per Person How? Serve, then go to website and submit hours. Maximum of 5 outside hours TURN IN HOURS ONLINE
Monday: Wear Key Club Stuff Tuesday: (10 People) bring in cupcakes in the morning: Meet at front doors at 7:10 am Wednesday: (5 People) make cookies for the Special Ed. Department Thursday: (15 People) Bring breakfast items in the morning for Teachers/Secretaries Friday: (5 People per Shift) Relieve the janitors of their work in 3 shifts
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE Notify board member in charge Be aware for what you are signing up Gather information actively Know date, time and location
UNICEF helps children around the world Go trick or treat-ing with this box Raise money for UNICEF Turn in money In a Zip-Lock Bag First/Last Name on the bag Label Unicef/Key Club PUT IN MRS MOSS’ MAILBOX Board Member: Raphael Melke
November 12 th, 6 pm - 9 pm Julia Green’s house 3933 Ravenwood Drive Hilliard, Ohio Directions will be on the website Part of being a community Food and drink provided Make sure to sign up outside Board Members: Julia Green, Matthias Heinz
November 5 th, 7:30 – 12:30 am (in shifts) Volunteer to help with games Need volunteers Sign up outside Wear Key Club T-shirts Buy Pancake Tickets at school the week before if you want breakfast there Board Members: Kush Patel, Natalie Hagy
November 6 th 10 am – 3 pm At COSI Bring: $21 Pop Tabs (not mandatory, but recommended) Canned Goods Gently-used stuffed animal(s) Form is on website FILL OUT FORM AND BRING IT ON THE DAY OF Board Member: Nabeel Alauddin
4 Volunteers Needed Nov 17 th, 3-7 pm Sign up outside Can agree to split a shift with another Key Club member
Adopt-a-Family More information at Nov. 7 th Meeting
TURN IN MONEY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Put in Mrs. Moss’ mailbox in the envelope with your name on it Board Member: Matthias Heinz
Next meetings will be in the library We must clean up after ourselves or else we will lose this privilege
Ltg. Governor: Nabeel Alauddin
Kiwanis Advisor: Carol Parker
Today: Grab Trick or Treat for Unicef box Use clorox wipes to clean the school Bring out fliers that we didn’t take care of on Saturday If you ordered a t-shirt, pick it up in Room 221