Winter Intersession
This group posed with app cubes they created. They designed their own app for a Smartphone or iPad/iPhone. Students had to design the symbol, name it, tell who would most likely download it, describe it, and give it a cost value.
Children got a chance to work with Flip cameras.
Students tried to get paperclips to balance so they could be lowered onto the top of the water. Students were learning about surface tension of water.
Here a student is doing a magic trick involving air pressure. The cardboard piece stays attached to the bottom of the cup, even though it is filled with water.
Here a student performs a dry paper towel magic trick.
Students learned about drums with Mr. Hart
The children got to take an amazing trip to the Challenger Learning Center in Woodstock, IL.
Mrs. Gill’s class built models of lunar bases.
Mrs. Buikema’s class spent the day at Carlson’s Ice Arena.