Level: Age 12~15/ Intermediate learners Content: Halloween vocabulary, Trick or Treat, Origin, Jack O’ Lantern Target: To have a general idea about Halloween and learn the words and culture through this lesson.
Halloween is a holiday on Oct years ago, Celts celebrated the harvest and believed the spirits of the dead people appeared on this day. In order to cheer the g g g g g hhhh oooo ssss tttt ssss, the w w w w w iiii tttt cccc hhhh would hold a ceremony to keep the ghost away from people. People went out with masks to frighten the ghosts. Today, kids celebrate Halloween by dressing up as v v v v v aaaa mmmm pppp iiii rrrr eeee ssss and ssss kkkk eeee llll eeee tttt oooo nnnn ssss. They also tell ghost stories, have parties, and make J J J J J aaaa kkkk eeee o o o o ’’’’ L L L L aaaa nnnn tttt eeee rrrr nnnn w w w w with a p p p p p uuuu mmmm pppp kkkk iiii nnnn....Halloween becomes children’s favorite holiday.
Trick or Treat! Thank you.
One day, Jack invited the Devil to have a drink. When it’s time to pay, Jack convinced the Devil to change into a sixpence. Jack put the money in his pocket. The Devil could not change back. Jack asked the Devil not to bother him anymore. The Devil said “O.K” and Jack let him free. Next Halloween, Jack died and went to Hell. The Devil asked him to go away. It was dark and Jack couldn’t find his way. The devil gave Jack a burning coal and Jack put it into a pumpkin. He made this lantern to light his way. The story says Jack is still walking with the lantern to find a place to stay. Devil 惡魔 bother 打擾 Coal 煤 lantern 燈籠
Choose a correct answer: 1. ( ) Halloween is on (a) July 4 (b) Oct.31 (c) Feb ( ) We can make a “Jack O’ Lantern with (a) an apple (b) an orange (c) a pumpkin. 3. ( ) People usually give children ____ as a treat. (a) sweets (b) pencils (c) flowers 4. ( ) Children knock on people’s doors and shout (a) Merry Christmas (b) Trick or treat (c) Hallow. 5. ( ) Today, kids celebrate Halloween by dressing up as (a) workers (b) teachers (c) witches.