Американские праздники Америка МБОУ СОШ №29 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов Смоленск 2011 Выполнила: Куклина Г.С., учитель английского языка
Содержание Рождество День Благодарения 1 Апреля ( День смеха ) Хэлуин Пасха День Святого Валентина День Независимости
Christmas This is the biggest holiday of the year. Many people enjoy it most of all and say that this is the main holiday of the year. They send cards and decorate their houses. People go to church and sing carols.
Thanksgiving Day It is a special day for families to get together and give thanks for different things. They usually do it this way: «I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well” or “I give thanks for a good job and for meeting my new friend.»
April Fools’ Day People make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun. When you’ve made a joke on your friend you usually say: ’’April fool.”
Hallowe’en This is one of the most favourite holidays in America. Children dress up and shout “ Trick or treat.’’ They get sweats, fruit, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in the windows.
Easter It is in late March or early April. It is a Christian holiday which celebrates the day when Jesus came back from the dead. People give coloured or chocolate eggs to each other and send cards.
St. Valentine’s Day On this day children write their names on cards with hearts on them. Many people give cards presents and flowers to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives.
Independence Day On this Day in 1776 the United States became independent from England. It was the beginning of a new life. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. There are often picnics.
Тренировка монологического высказывания
Источники информации «Книга для учителя». Методические рекомендации. И.Н. Верещагина// Москва, «Просвещение», 1998 г. Архив методических разработок учителя английского языка Г.С. Куклиной