Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly Kick Off Event Partner Instituto Pedro Nunes Paulo Freitas – António Cunha – Co-Living
23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes2 Who are we, what is our company? Founded in 1991, Non-profit, Private Organization Associates include: - University of Coimbra, Institutes of Higher Education and the Scientific System, Enterprises, Laboratories, Public Entities, Coimbra City - Council and Industrial Associations.
Who are we, what is our company? 23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes3 Coimbra University Companies Pedro Nunes Institute
Who are we, what is our company? 23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes4 Promotion of Innovation and Technology Transfer (between the scientific and technological system and the productive sector) RTD Projects in Consortia Technology and Knowledge Transfer Innovative Solutions Development Training Courses Conferences Seminars Promotion and Support of Tech-based SME’s LaboratoriesHigh Specialised TrainingBusiness Incubator How?
23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes5 What expertise / technology do we bring in? Development of prototypes of new applications Technical consultancy Specialized Training Robotics and industrial automation Vision and laser technologies Wearable computing New technologies in instrumentation and measurement (Wireless Sensor Networks design and development, RFID, Distributed Networks, Smart Monitoring, among others.) Support for human mobility Ambient Assisted Living
23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes6 What do we expect from Co-Living? At the end of the Project, provide high quality services for AAL Research and develop technology ready (as possible) to be deployed on the market Networking Synergies for new projects on AAL Deepen the knowledge on AAL field
23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes7 Funding Waiting official approval of Fundação de Ciências e Tecnologia of Portugal
23/04/2015Paulo Freitas - Instituto Pedro Nunes8 Contact persons Paulo Freitas Mobile Phone: Phone: António Cunha Mobile Phone: Phone: