Be safe at Halloween! Your school name here 2010
Carry a flashlight! Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going and light up the sidewalk in front of you!
Take an adult Ask Mom or Dad or another adult to come trick or treating with you.
Trick or Treating…. Only go trick or treating in neighborhoods you know. Stay on brightly lit streets Walk on the sidewalk and not the street Don’t cross the street without looking both ways Don’t go to dark porches or houses by yourself.
Check candy before you eat Ask Mom or Dad or another adult to check all your candy before you eat any! Don’t eat any candy before you get home and have it checked!
Don’t go into houses Never go into any stranger’s house!
Wear bright reflective Wear bright and reflective costumes or face paint! Be safe!!
Have fun! Have a safe and fun Halloween!
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