Double or Not ?
plan How does this word end? A vowel and 1 consonant ! plan See a vowel and a consonant too, here is what you have to do: DOUBLE the consonant, add the ending. planned planning
pet How does the word end? A vowel and 1 consonant ! pet petting See a vowel and a consonant too, here is what you have to do: DOUBLE the consonant, add the ending. petted
call See a vowel, 2 consonants too, here is what you have to do: Just add the ending. called A vowel and 2 consonants ! calling call 2 Consonants, What now?
fill How does the word end? A vowel and 2 consonants! fill See a vowel, 2 consonants too, here is what you have to do: Just add the ending. filling filled
skip A vowel and 1 consonant! skip skipped skipping
wish wish wished A vowel and 2 consonants! wishing
hug A vowel and 1 consonant ! hug hugged hugging
bark bark barked A vowel and 2 consonants! barking
clap A vowel & 1 consonant! clap clapper clapping
walk A vowel and 2 consonants ! walk walker walking
Review Inflected Endings If the word has a vowel and 1 consonant, double the consonant. Then add the ending. shop = shopped shopping If the word has a vowel and 2 consonants, just add the ending. jump = jumped jumping
Try Some … rap stop trick push renttrip count tan knit mash Easy, Sneezy, Mr. Cheesy!