FRUITS Information
Smooth skin and an enlarged fleshy area that surrounds the core Pomes Smooth skin and an enlarged fleshy area that surrounds the core
Examples Apple Pear kiwi
Contain a single seed, or pit, surrounded by juicy flesh. Drupes Contain a single seed, or pit, surrounded by juicy flesh.
Examples Peach Cherry Plum Nectarines apricot
Fragile cell structure; pulpy and juicy; tiny seeds embedded in flesh Berries Fragile cell structure; pulpy and juicy; tiny seeds embedded in flesh
Examples Blackberry Cranberries Stawberries grapes
Hard out surface that is smooth or netted; juicy flesh. Melons Hard out surface that is smooth or netted; juicy flesh.
Examples Cantaloupe Honeydew Watermelon Casaba Crenshaw muskmelon
Grow in warm regions, firm rind and pulpy flesh Citrus Fruits Grow in warm regions, firm rind and pulpy flesh
Examples Oranges Grapefruit Tangerines Lemons Limes Kumquats Citrons Tangelows Ugli fruit
Tropical Fruits Grow in very warm climates; differ in skin composition and seed characteristics.
Examples Bananas Pineapple Avocados Dates Figs Mangos Pomegranates papayas