Doveton North Curriculum audit
Overview of planning process Mission Statement Parents Students CommunityStaff DNPS Values Curriculum
Curriculum Planning Process Throughline. Essential Learnings. (VELS) manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others understand the world in which they live act effectively in that world. Concepts Essential Question Essential Question Essential Question Integrated unit Integrated unit Integrated unit Over-arches levelsLevel planning
Terms used A common language is important for us. Terms used Mission statement Values Essential learnings Throughlines Concepts Essential Questions Unit questions Standards
Glossary of terms. Mission statement Values Essential learnings Throughlines Concepts Essential Questions Unit questions Standards
Essential Learnings Child Student manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others act effectively in that world. understand the world in which they live
Sort these under the essential learnings. the systemic nature of the social, physical, biological and technological worlds the relationships between the person and the planet the extent of each individual’s potential that their world view is not universally shared the range of cultures and what they have to offer global conditions, trends and developments issues concerning justice, rights and responsibilities the implications of present choices and actions the need for action skills necessary for participation in a global society."
Throughlines These statements become the throughlines which overarch and reflect everything we do.
Link concepts to throughlines AdaptationBehaviourBeliefs and values Cause and effectChangeChanging lifestyles CitizenshipCommunicationConflict and cooperation ConservationConsumptionCreativity CultureCustoms and ritualsCycles DevelopmentDistributionDiversity Ecological sustainabilityEnergyEnvironment Feelings and emotionsGender equityHuman rights Imagining and constructing the futureIndigenous peoplesIndividual potential Individuals and groupsInstitutionsInteraction InterdependenceInvention and designJustice, rights and responsibilities Life and livingLiving and non-livingLocation MobilityNeeds and wantsOrganisation PatternsPerceptionPersonal safety Place and spacePower and controlProduction RelationshipsResourcesRevolution Rites of passageRitualRoles, rules and laws Similarities and differencesSocial justiceSociety and socialisation SpiritualitySupply and demandSurvival SystemsThe global societyThe physical world Thinking CriticallyTimeTradition TransitionsWellbeingWork and leisure
Big Questions. Groupings of concepts will lead to Essential Questions for integrated units. These reflect back to our throughlines.
Link concepts to Througlines. the relationships between the person and the planet Throughline Consumption Cause and effect Environment
These groupings of concepts will lead to Essential Questions. Consumption Cause and effect Environment How have we as consumers impacted on the environment? Essential Question.
Essential Question link to Integrated Topic. How have we as consumers impacted on the environment? Essential Question. Reduce,Re-use, Recycle. Integrated Unit.