Olga Catania Process Analyst Trainer/Student Accounts & Cashiering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Student Financials > View Customer Accounts Campus Community > Residency & Service Indicators Records and Enrollment > Student Groups & Study Agreements (External Study) Self Service > Student Center Curriculum Management > Class Search
View Customer Account ViewAnticipated The View Anticipated link displays ONLY when Financial Aid has been authorized, once the FA is applied to account, the link disappears.
Anticipated Aid Details link The details page displays the Amount and Type of Financial Aid that was authorized for Fall Term Note: Authorized means the student has passed all the eligibility checks for the aid to actually disburse. If there is a problem on the student's end, the aid would not revert to authorized.
Account Details link The Account Details page displays all financial data; FA & Refunds Housing, Waivers, Payments & Registration & Mandatory Fees.
Account Details link, cont. Registration & Mandatory Fees Registration & Mandatory Fees 1. All students are charged Mandatory Fees by Career. 2. Registration fees are divided between Reg I (State)& Reg II (Non State)
Item Details link Item Details link displays a summary of how each Payment, Charge or FA posted on students account was paid or refunded.
Refunds Direct Deposit or Check Direct Deposit or Check 1.Refunded by Check-SF25009=check nbr 2.Refunded by Direct Deposit-DDREFUND=direct deposit
Academic Information link The Academic Information link displays Bio information, Career Term Data for each Term which includes Residency status and Units enrolled (Details on Residency can found in Residency Data page). The Academic Plan link displays Academic/Sub Plan Career information. The Enrollment link displays enrolled class detail, includes add/drop dates with reason and basis codes for each class taken.
Payment Plans When a student signs up for a PPL, all fees move from a Tuition Term Fee to a PPL line that is created by the Payment Plan assignment (except when Late Fees are assessed-those remain on the Tuition). The PPL line displays the installment payment amounts and history. Note: Summer Term-students must be manually placed on PPL’s Note: Summer Term-students must be manually placed on PPL’s
Payment Plans Link Payment Plans link displays all current and past term contract information for Payment Plans and Third Party Contracts, also if contract is Active or Cancelled. Plan Detail tab: Listing of types of Plans-Payment (PPL) or Third Party (TPC). History of contract types.
Go to links:Due Charges The Due Charges link displays the due dates for Fees and Payment Plans. The other “ Go To ” links contain financial data found in Account Details-each with different criteria.
Student Billing Statements Students with an outstanding balance receive a statement each month until balance is zero. Billing Account Statements (SBS) are electronically ed using a Communication Generation process on the 15 th of every month. This usually can take up to 3-4 days to process all student population.
Student Groups / Study Agreement Impacts to financial data Impacts to financial data Student Groups enable you to define groups of similar students at a high level, such as Athletics, Honor Students, OSDE-Out of State Distance Ed and International are among the few types of Groups. Students who are assigned to some Student Groups are coded to either ADD fees or REMOVE fees or just used to track a special group of students. Example: INTL code-adds Health Insurance and International Fee Study Agreements (External Study) identifies groups of students who are charged differently than other students, for example; Study Abroad-USAC, Cemexe (Crisis of Emergency Management) and National Student Exchange In/Out. Example: StudyAbroad code removes all fees on a students account.
Student Self Service Center Student View Student View Account Inquiry link-a Term Summary page displays outstanding Charges, Payments and FA (both disbursed or pending). Make a Payment link When a Student enrolls in a Payment Plan (a $45.00 fee is charged), Pending FA is excluded from their outstanding balance. Note: When a student makes a payment, by accessing the Account Inquiry page; triggers a “tuition calc” process which updates account.
Student Center Direct Deposit Direct Deposit Green Please encourage our students to go “ Green ” by enrolling in Direct Deposit. Refunds are processed on a weekly basis (usually Friday) Snail mail could take over 5 days.
Service Indicators Called Service Indicators for internal use. Displayed as “Holds” to students in Student Center. Positive – does not affect registration and is generally just a notification, for example FA will request the Student Accounts Mgr. to exclude students from Late Fees or Enrollment Cancellation by placing a Positive Service indicators on these accounts. Negative –It is very important to view the content of each placed Service Indicator- not all are due to financial holds. Past Due Holds Service Indicators are now synched across NSHE, this new process allows us to view students who have outstanding balances with other Institutions. Students can view message on SI with instructions. Service Indicators or Holds? NEGATIVEPOSITIVE
Service Indicators Impacts The SO1-Account Past due Service Indicators are placed by a system process that runs every hour. Once outstanding balance is paid, the system process will remove the hold the next hour. The Services Impacted section displays impact descriptions and what effect it will have to the student.
Friendly Reminder DO NOT DO NOT delete a row that has data- ADD a row. Using the plus icon, add a row to the Active row. Deleting a row may reverse Fees on students account which could result in a Refund. Please contact Student Accounts / Cashiering if you have any financial questions on a Students Account. Call
Students are now able to view any Differential / Special fees associated to a particular Class. Note: Not all classes have Differential/Special Fees Note: Not all classes have Differential/Special Fees Course Differential & Special Fees: NEW Features & Fees for Fall 2014 The Fees now display in the Class Search > Search for Classes > Class Detail page. Excess Credit Fee Board approved fee is $95.75 per credit for UGRD only The Excess Credit Fee will be imposed on Undergrad students who have over 180 attempted units. Note: Additional information can be found in BOR, Policies & Procedures manual, Chapter 7, Section 2.
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