Franklin Township Special Education Parent Advisory Committee October 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Franklin Township Special Education Parent Advisory Committee October 2010

Special Education Parent Advisory Committee 6A: District eligibility for assistance under IDEA Part B (h) Each district board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities.

Parent Advisory Committee Purpose: To strengthen and enhance partnership between students, parents, and educational professionals. Purpose: To strengthen and enhance partnership between students, parents, and educational professionals. Positively impact the education of all students with an emphasis on those with special needs Positively impact the education of all students with an emphasis on those with special needs Represent students and parents of students needing or receiving special services Represent students and parents of students needing or receiving special services Act as a resource for all parents Act as a resource for all parents

Parent Advisory Committee Tasks: Provide proposed meeting agendas and meeting minutes to Director of Pupil Personnel Services Tasks: Provide proposed meeting agendas and meeting minutes to Director of Pupil Personnel Services Meet as a group at least quarterly from October through May Meet as a group at least quarterly from October through May Create a working committee around the goals and objectives of the Advisory Committee Create a working committee around the goals and objectives of the Advisory Committee

Who Can Join? Any parent of a child in the Franklin Township School System. Any parent of a child in the Franklin Township School System.

Benefits of Joining Code clarifications Code clarifications Apprised of district goals and objectives Apprised of district goals and objectives Budget input Budget input Networking with others Networking with others Sharing of resources for students of special needs. Sharing of resources for students of special needs.

PARENT ADVISORY SCHEDULE Monday October 25th 7pm SGS Library Introductions Review of Agenda for school year Review of Purpose Complete Revisions if necessary November 17, pm SGS Library Doug Vogel Special Needs Trust Social Security Benefits Guardianship/Future Planning Monday January 24th 7pm SGS Members of the CST Franklin Township-IEP Process Monday March 28th 7pm SGS Library Sue Van Aken Division of Parks and Recreation Programs and Availability Monday April 26th 7pm SGS Library John Mazellan-Transition Coordinator Franklin Township Monday May 23rd 7pm SGS Library Agenda Review Reorganization for

How Can I Get More Involved? Contact Heather Mistry at Contact Heather Mistry at Contact Colleen Dalrymple at Contact Colleen Dalrymple at To be added to our global list and receive reminder s to future meeting dates and locations. Check the district online calendar. Listen for phone blasts.