1 Prevention and Control of Vaccine Preventable Disease in Myanmar Expanded Programme on Immunization Central Epidemiology Unit Department of Health Ministry of Health Phone: ,
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar The major ethnic groups are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Bamar, Rakhine, Shan
Administratively in 2011 The country is divided into (14) States and Regions 67 districts 330 townships 64 sub-townships 2891 wards village tracts villages
Health Care System in Myanmar
Organogram of Disease Control Unit, Department of Health Deputy Directors (Epidemiology) AD (CEU) (VPD/AEFI Surveillance) ADs (EPI) (EPI Manager) AD (Port Health) AD (Plague) Regional Epidemiologists SDCU Team Leaders Directors (States/ Regions Health Departments) TMO (Township Medical Officer) BHS from RHC/ SC
Population Vs Reporting Units (as of 2012) Total land area- 676,578 sq km 86 per sq km ( per sq km) Source- State/Regional Health Departments States/ Regions Area sq km Population 2012 Population Density (per sq km.) No. of Reporting sites AYEYARWADY BAGO EAST BAGO WEST CHIN KACHIN KAYAH KAYIN MAGWAY MANDALAY MON RAKHINE SAGAING SHAN EAST SHAN NORTH SHAN SOUTH TANINTHARYI YANGON
7 Integrated Weekly Reporting of AFP, NNT, Measles and ILI NHL
WHO support RSO Network NSC Office 17 RSOs Office ( )9 RSOs Office (2010)14 RSOs Office (2012)
National immunization coverage,
DTP3 coverage and Diphtheria and Pertussis cases,
Measles1 coverage and measles cases,
TT2+ coverage1 and NT cases2,
AFP surveillance performance indicators, Indicator AFP cases Wild polio Compatibles AFP rate Non-polio AFP rate Adequate stool collection rate 2 88%95%92%95% 91%95%96%94%95% Total stool samples collected , % NPEV % Timeliness of primary result reported
14 Recent History of Polio Cases in Myanmar 2007,2010, P1 WPV cases Rakhine = 11 Onset of last case = P1 VDPV cases Yangon = 1 Kayin = 1 Bago (East) = 1 Mon = 1 Onset of last case = P2 VDPV case Mandalay Date of Onset = Source: CEU, DOH, Ministry of Health 2012 P1 VDPV case Northern Shan State Laukkaing Township Date of onset =
Reported cases of vaccine preventable diseases,
VPD Surveillance Data, 2012 Myanmar-Thailand Bordering Area AFP MeaslesDiphtheriaNNT 1 Dot = 1 case
< 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage 2011 BCG DPT3OPV3HepB3
< 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage in bordering Townships 2011 BCG DPT3OPV3HepB3
Measles 1 < 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage 2011 Measles 2
Measles 1 < 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage in bordering Townships 2011 Measles 2
< 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage 2011 TT 2 TT 1
< 60% 60% - 79% 80% or above No data Routine EPI Coverage in bordering Townships 2011 TT 2TT 1
Myanmar-Thailand Border Shan East State 1. Tachileik 2. Mongsat 3. Mongton 4. Mongpan Kayah State 5. Shadaw 6. Mae-Sei Kayin State 7. Hpar-Pon 8. Hlaingbwe 9. Myawaddy 10. Kyar-Inn Seik Kyi Mon State 11. Ye Tanintharyi Division 12. Yebyu 13. Dawei 14. Tanintharyi 15. Bokepyin 16. Kaw Thaung Border Townships Tachileik Myawaddy Kawthaung Gate