11 th Five Year Plan of Karnataka – Perspectives and strategies for Urban Development Smt. Lakshmi Venkatachalam, IAS., Principal Secretary to Govt., Urban.


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Presentation transcript:

11 th Five Year Plan of Karnataka – Perspectives and strategies for Urban Development Smt. Lakshmi Venkatachalam, IAS., Principal Secretary to Govt., Urban Development Dept., Government of Karnataka. May 2007 Smt. Lakshmi Venkatachalam, IAS., Principal Secretary to Govt., Urban Development Dept., Government of Karnataka. May 2007 Government of Karnataka, Urban Development Department

Karnataka at a Glance Area1,91,791 Sq. Kms. Population52,733,958 Population density275 per Sq. Km. Sex ratio (No. of female per 1000 males)964 Literacy rate (overall)67.04 % Urban population17,919,858 Rural population34,814,100 Administrative Divisions27 Districts & 176 Taluk Development Indicators Per capita Income (Purchasing power parity in Rs) Life Expectancy at Birth (Years)66 Infant Mortality (per 1000)55 Adult Literacy Rate67.04%

Urban Scenario in Karnataka 4 th most urbanized among major states in India 34% of population (2001 census) in urban areas which is above the national average of 28%. There are 219 Urban Local Bodies in the State comprising Migration and natural increase are causative factors for this Rapid pace of urbanization has resulted in “infrastructural deficit” in all the cities/towns. 1City Corporations8 2City Municipal Councils44 3Town Municipal Councils94 4Town Panchayaths68 5Notified Area Committees5

Karnataka Policy Initiatives  Policy statement on drinking water supply and sanitation  Policy on integrated Solid Waste and Disposal Management.  Policy on Rain Water Harvesting  Policy on Waste to Energy  Reforms carried out under Nirmala Nagara Yojane  Reforms agenda under JN-NURM

Municipal Sector Reforms Introduction of Self Assessment of Property Tax in all ULBs Double Entry / accrual system of Accounting implemented in 63 ULBs Computerisation of 57 ULBs nearing completion - GIS supported property tax, public grievance redressal, birth & death records, integrated financial system. Cadre & Recruitment rules amended 2004; cadres rationalized to 40 Augmented skilled staff recruited / taken on contract for proper delivery of services Scaling up to all 227 ULBs planned during first 2 years of 11 th Five Year Plan.

Investments in Urban Sector  The key sectors for urban investment are identified as follows:  Urban Infrastructure -Water Supply & Sewerage -Traffic & Transportation -Solid waste Management -Urban Mapping -New Township projects in BMR.  Services for Urban Poor -Poverty Alleviation -Improvement of Slums  The major means of financing envisaged are: -Centrally Sponsored Schemes -Internal and extra budgetary resources, -External financing and PPP route.

Investments – Devolution of State Finance Commission Grants to ULBs. Investments – Devolution of State Finance Commission Grants to ULBs. SFC’s recommendations are in place since Share of ULBs have increased from 2.73% (Rs.193 Crores) of State’s revenue receipts to 6.5% (Rs.1530 crores) in This will further increase to 8% by Strengthens the ULBs capacity to meet O & M costs and establishment costs. However with new capacity creation under KMRP, NKUSIP, and UIDSSMT, financial framework of ULBs needs review. This study is presently being carried out by KUIDFC. Third SFC constituted.

Investments - Urban Infrastructure (UI)  EAP (Externally Aided Project) Rs.7000 crores planned for UI during 11 th Plan period in 71 ULBs. Regional imbalances of North Karnataka to be focused upon City Investment Plan (approx Rs.700 crores) proposed for balance 146 ULBs during 11 th FY plan.  CSS ( JNNURM & UIDSSMT)  Under JNNURM Rs.22,536 crores of investment proposed for Bangalore. Rs.1950 crores of investment proposed for Mysore.  Under UIDSSMT : Rs.2000 crores (approx) for 150 small & medium towns proposed.

JNNURM /UIDSSMT current status Project approvals No.Project Cost  Project approved so far16Rs  Projects in pipeline51Rs JNNURM Rs. in Crores No.Project Cost  Project approved so far23Rs  Projects in pipeline20Rs UIDSSMT Rs. in Crores Strategy for 11 th FYP  Greater thrust to be given to tier II & tier III cities for 100% coverage of water supply, sanitation and solid waste management with increased allocations during 11 th Five Year Plan

Mandatory Reforms : State Level  Effective implementation of decentralization initiatives as envisaged in the Constitution (74 th CAA)  Repeal of Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act 1976  Reform of Rent Control Laws, by balancing the interests of landlords and tenants  Rationalization of stamp duty to bring it down to no more than 5% within 7 years  Enactment of a public disclosure law  Enactment of a community participation law, so as to institutionalise citizens participation in local decision making  Association of elected municipalities with the city planning function Reforms Agenda

Investments – Water Supply & Sewerage This Sector will be a major priority in 11 th FYP Provision of surface water currently available to only 166 ULBs out of 208 covering 78% urban population. Coverage of sewerage is only 28% in the urban areas of the State 42 towns would be covered in 11 th FY period by investing approx about Rs.1300 crores. Rs.3000 crores required to raise coverage of UGD in 120 towns during 11 th FY plan. Water Supply and sewerage for Greater Bangalore area also needs to be prioritized – CDP for Bangalore envisages investment of Rs.2783 crores.

Investments – Traffic & Transportation  Focus on public transport & multi modal options are important for growing towns/cities.  Separate Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) created under the Urban Development Department.  CTTS for Bangalore being finalised by RITES. Required to commission CTTS for other Corporations across State. DULT will carryout this task.  Bangalore Metropolitan Land Transport Authority established – as envisaged under NUTP  Bangalore’s Metro Rail Project : Rs.6400 crores.  Investment plan under CDP for Bangalore is envisaged at Rs 7536 crores. Assessment for other corporations as also CMC/TMC needs to be worked out separately.

Investments – Solid Waste Management  8500 MT of MSW generated in the State per day  Under ISWM Policy, 162 ULBs possess landfill sites and EIA clearance  State’s Integrated Solid Waste Management project includes Door to Door collections Closed transportation of garbage Scientifically engineered Land fills Composting Waste to Energy generation  An investment of 75 Crores has already been made under 11 th Finance Commission, ADB & BMP Grants  Major thrust in 11 th FYP : requirement of funds Rs.800 crore, for Bangalore alone.

Investments - Urban Poverty Alleviation  Major focus will be: Employment generation, provision of housing & proper living conditions, assurance of tenurial rights for the poor.  Provision of housing basic facilities and amenities taken up under JNNURM, IHSDP.  Supporting establishments of mini industrial estates with civic infrastructure in 79 backward ULBs planned -Rs. 200 crores required.  Coverage of urban poor under SJSRY has been only 20% (approx. Rs. 130 crores). Scope of SJSRY to be renewed & improved.  For 11 th FY Plan, Rs.425 Crores (or about Rs.75 crores/annum) should be provided under SJSRY. (10 th Plan outlay was Rs.56 Crores)

Investments – Urban Mapping  Urban mapping through aerial photography of 27 large urban areas taken up & completed in the 1 st two years of 11 th FY period under GOK funding.  The cities with 50,000 plus population need coverage with funding under CSS of National Urban Information System.  Urban mapping in Bangalore taken up by planning commission/NIC  City survey in 46 towns completed. To cover all the 227 ULBs Rs.200 crores required during 11 th FY period.  Capacity building of urban town planners for infusion of skilled planning.

Investments – Township projects to decongest Bangalore Investments – Township projects to decongest Bangalore  5 townships around Bangalore to be setup through PPP & SPV routes on the concepts of live, work and play.  All infrastructure facilities such as Ring Roads, Radial Roads, planned to improve road networks between new and existing townships.  GO issued on guidelines for setting up of townships.

Greater Bangalore Greater Bangalore formed by merging Bangalore Mahanagara Palike with 7 CMCs, 1 TMC & 110 Villages covering 741 Sq. Kms of area. Final notification issued on Delimitation to be taken up – agency already in place Amendments to KMC act pending Committees set up for addressing (a) Infrastructure (b) Organisational issues (c) Governance - have commenced work & final reports are expected in May 2007