A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Rochdale MBC.


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Presentation transcript:

A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Rochdale MBC

Aim of the workshop To explain our GI Strategy proposal – why are we doing it? Are we missing something? To invite you to help us produce and deliver the strategy

The Bigger Picture GI is a recognised part of the essential infrastructure of towns and cities GI requirements in the Regional Spatial Strategy A requirement for GI planning to deliver the New Growth Point AGMA – Towards a Green Infrastructure Framework for Greater Manchester

Existing and developing GM agendas – climate change, low carbon economy, ecological framework, rural regeneration, flood risk management etc Local planning and delivery responses – spatial planning, community forests, area based regeneration How should Rochdale MBC make sense of this in GI terms? Where do we fit in?

GI in Rochdale MBC – a draft vision “Our Green Infrastructure supports our quality of life and defines our sense of place in Greater Manchester and the South Pennines. It provides our natural environmental networks and systems which support sustainable development and which help to protect our economy and communities of today and tomorrow from the effects of flooding and climate change. It helps to conserve and enhance our biodiversity and the character of our towns and countryside and it provides an accessible landscape for our residents and visitors to enjoy and take pride in. Green Infrastructure is fundamental to good urban design which meets the needs and aspirations of people and place. We will deliver and manage high quality, well designed and accessible Green Infrastructure to make our Borough a healthier, more prosperous, stimulating and safe place to live, learn, work and play in and for visitors.”

GI Strategy Objectives Define GI (consistent with GM and Regional definitions) Provide a strong policy context for GI – local, GM and regional Explain why GI is important in Rochdale Borough and identify key resources Establish Rochdale’s GI role in GM and the Region Set out the strategic role of GI in delivering quality of life and quality of place benefits for sustainable growth and regeneration Identify key GI planning principles and good practice Identify key GI actions and priority investment areas – hubs, routes, gateways and corridors, functional areas, areas of deficiency etc Link GI to key policy, delivery programmes and mechanisms – local, sub regional, regional Establish a co-ordinated approach to GI planning and delivery within the Council and with key partners Ensure that GI is understood and ‘owned’ by the community Establish effective monitoring and review

GI functions Climate change adaptation – protecting carbon sinks and increasing urban resilience Reducing economic and community risk – managing flood risk etc Improved image and setting to help attract and retain investment in growth and regeneration Improving health and well being – active lifestyles, reduced pollution etc Accessible environments and strategic routes for recreation and tourism Improving the image and quality of transport gateways and corridors An ecological framework Conserving and better managing natural resources e.g. water Conserving and enhancing local distinctiveness and landscape character Delivering high quality public realm

Some priority issues How to embed GI in plans, strategies and investment programmes – locally and in GM Identifying key GI assets and actions linked to regeneration and growth areas – HMR, Heywood SUN, Kingsway, Rochdale Town Centre, LDF Spatial Options etc -The role of the rivers and river valleys especially the River Roch -The Rochdale Canal Corridor – an economic, environmental and recreational asset -Key gateways and corridors – M62, A627m, A58, rail routes etc -Economic development – existing and proposed -Key cross boundary areas – Croal Irwell and M66 corridor, South Pennines, Manchester (Heaton Park etc), Oldham (Tandle Hill CP and the M62 corridor) etc -An effective flood risk management resource – defences, washlands etc -A robust ecological framework -Sites and routes for tourism and recreation – well connected routes and spaces -Gaps and underperforming GI hot spots – inner urban areas, the Roch Valley etc -Do you have other key issues??

A GI Tour of Rochdale The Good…………

A GI Tour of Rochdale……..

The Surprising……….

The Could Be Better…………

The Ugly…………

What is happening?? A project plan CABE Space support Consultation workshops – LSP, Townships, External Stakeholders, Internal Participation events ongoing A ‘Light Touch’ Strategy A model Township GI Plan – Heywood Consultation on draft Adopt and launch May 2009

Kit Campbell CABE Space Over to you…………………….