Midtown Medical Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County Wishard Health Services & Eskenazi Medical Group Cohort IV Midwest Indianapolis, Indiana
About Midtown Medical… Midtown Medical follows the Four Quadrant Clinical Integration Model. Our Enrollment Target is to provide 504 clients primary care services per year. Behavioral/Mental Health Risk/Status Quadrant II – High BH, Low PHQuadrant IV – High BH, High PH BH practitioner responsible for coordination with PCP PCP uses standard screening tools and guidelines provided by BH practitioner Specialty BH Crisis/ED use Community supports PCP uses standard screening tools and guidelines provided by BH practitioner BH practitioner responsible for coordination with PCP and/or Wellness Coordinator Wellness Coordinator/Disease Manager Crisis/ED use Community supports Quadrant I – Low BH, Low PHQuadrant III – Low BH, High PH Primary Care Physician with standard screening tools and BH practice guidelines PCP-based BH services PCP uses standard screening tools and guidelines provided by BH practitioner Wellness Coordinator/Disease Manager Specialty medical/surgical procedures Home-based care Community supports for disease management Physical Health Risk/Status
About Midtown Medical… Our facilities are located in an urban setting and the population served is Indianapolis, Indiana, located within Marion County. A large portion of our population is located in Center Township of Marion County. Center Township consists of the most diverse and low-income households. Midtown Medical will provide services in two facilities located in downtown Indianapolis. At these locations, Midtown currently provides care to over 3100 clients. Demographics Race Black (42%) White (34%) Other (24%) Gender Female (52%) Male (48%) Wellness Services to be Offered Health & Wellness Education Nutrition/Weight Management Stress Management Tobacco Cessation
4 Who is Midtown Medical? Project Director: Cindy Wilson, MSN, PMHCNS, BC Physician: Aaron Kalinowski, M.D. Nurse Practitioner: Brook Huber, MSN, ANP-BC Wellness Coordinator: Candace Florence, MPH Project Data Manager: Jarod Baker, MBA-HCM Medical Assistant: Mattie Fishback, CMA/PSA Evaluator: Harold Kooremann, MA
Successful Strategies Organizational Engagement Meetings were conducted with Midtown staff including psychiatrists, pharmacists, clinical nurse specialists, nurses, clinicians, care coordinators, and community support specialists. Program Director and Medical Doctor led meetings. Positive feedback from all Midtown staff members. Midtown staff is eager to assist in referring potential clients to our Physician, NP’s and Wellness Coordinator.
Successful Strategies Enrollment Currently Midtown Medical has not seen clients due to the difficulty in recruiting program staff, the extensive process in obtaining the medical supplies, and the decision to establish the space needed to provide services. Several clients have been referred and will be seen once our team can begin providing services. Promotional materials (brochures/flyers) are currently being constructed for distribution within the Midtown facilities to generate interest of potential clients.
Successful Strategies Finance Since Midtown Medical is creating a primary health care system from nothing, medical supply expenses exceeded allowance in the fiscal year budget. Due to staff members being hired after start of the fiscal year, excess personnel budget was available to be utilized. After speaking with GPO, moved less than 25% of total salary budget to cover excess medical supply expense.
Successful Strategies Sustainability The goal of Midtown Medical is to launch billing practices from the start of the grant to demonstrate sustainability. Established partnerships with Wishard Health Services and Eskenazi Medical Group. The partnerships will allow Midtown Medical to utilize billing practices when we start our services. These billing practices will coordinate with the pre- existing practices that have been established at our Community Health Centers.
Planning for the Future Midtown Medical has adequate resources and a floating staff contingency plan to cover unexpected events such as staffing shortages in times of turnover, illnesses/emergencies, change in project leadership. Continue our interaction with the Health & Hospital Corporation Grants Department to ensure sustainability of the program. Provide results to Health & Hospital Corporation to seek continuation funding for the project once the grant contract expires. In addition to seeking continuation funding, will conduct research about the future possibility to replicate the program in the Adolescent and Child clinic. Within the next six months, Midtown Medical plans to begin building our client caseload at our two current locations.