What is the “Big6?”
WHAT KINDS OF PROBLEMS? Big6 can be used to solve any problem such as: –Buying a car –Making a banana split –Buying a pair of shoes –Doing homework –Doing a project
How does the Big6 help solve problems? By organizing the process of research to achieve information literacy.
Information Literacy is not Computer Literacy
Computer Literacy -- TOOLS –Computer use –Software –Databases
Information Literacy is a process. “To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” American Library Association, 1989
Why should we care about Information Literacy?
School research is a training ground for real life. From: Springfield Township Virtual Library webstie:
Information literacy skills are skills needed throughout life... BECAUSE... We are always seeking information.
What car or stereo should I buy? From: Springfield Township Virtual Library webstie:
Which college should I choose?
Which book should I read next?
How can I sell this idea to my boss?
How can I convince the school board to act on my proposal?
Information helps us reach conclusions, make our choices, and communicate more effectively.
But the good stuff is often buried in heaps of junk.
We need to continue to improve our searching, evaluating and communication skills in a changing information environment.
Is an Information Problem-Solving Approach Was developed and copyrighted by Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. Consists of six separate steps or tasks that help students focus their research, solve problems and make decisions. The “Big6™”
What Students Will Learn - The Big6 Task Definition Information Seeking Strategies Location and Access Use of Information Synthesis Evaluation The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz.
Let’s buy a car! We’ll use the Little 12 to do our research. What kind of car do we want to buy?
1. TASK DEFINITION 1.1 Define the Problem 1.2 Identify the information requirements of the problem. 2. INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES 2.1 Determine the range of possible sources 2.2 Evaluate the different possible sources to determine priorities. 3. LOCATION AND ACCESS 3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically) 3.2 Find information within sources Big6™ - Little USE OF INFORMATION 4.1 Engage (e.g. read, hear, view) the information in a source. 4.2 Extract information from a source. 5. SYNTHESIS 5.1 Organize information from multiple sources 5.2 Present information 6. EVALUATION 6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness) 6.2 Judge the information problem- solving process (efficiency). ©Eisenberg/Berkowitz Information Problem Solving, 1990
Why should teachers use and teach the Big6? To provide a model for research. Technology skills can be incorporated. It is used within the context of the curriculum. It can be applied in all subjects, with students of all ages and across all grade levels. It is adaptable and flexible. It is easy to implement. It is not an add on. It is POWERFUL.
What will this process do for the librarian? Help with collaboration Help incorporate information literacy skills –Web searching skills –Web site evaluation –Use of databases –And more!
What will the Big6 do for students? Learn a skill they can apply to any problem at any time. Use essential information literacy skills and technology skills in context. Improve the quality of work.
Big6 Website The Big6 Website for Kids Big6 Information Skills Guide Templates Assignment Organizer Form -Teachers Assignment Organizer for Students Graphic Organizer for Students Evaluation Rubric for the Big 6 More Online Resources
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