1 Section:Plant & Soil Science Unit:Soil Management Lesson Title: Soil Surveys and Land Capability Classification
2 School Soil Map of McClave
3 Legend
4 Index to Map Sheets
5 Map sheet #54 T21 S, R 48 W.
6 Soil Association Map
7 Factors for Land Capability Classes I-VIII Rooting Depth Surface Soil Texture Maximum coarse fragments less than 3 inches Maximum coarse fragments greater than 3 inches Maximum slope percentage Climate
8 Capability Classes Tables
9 Legal Land Descriptions and Units of Area Lab
10 Township formed here
11 Numbering of sections 1-36
12 Quarters of Section One NE 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4
13 What quarter does the “x” represent? What section is it in? X
14 X 19 SW ¼ of Section 19
15 SW1/4, of Section 19, T21S, R52W, Bent County, Colorado X 19
16 Answers to Exercise #2 A quarter section has 160 acres in it. 1.How many acres are in a section? a.160 x 4 = 640 acres in a section 2.How many sections are in a township? b.36 sections in a township 3.Using #1 and #2 how many acres are in a township? c.36 x 640= acres in a township