Budget Presentation… A Glimmer of Hope! Dr. Scott P. McCartney, Superintendent Mrs. Kateryna Bechtel, CPA, School Business Administrator, Board Secretary
Board of Education Mr. James Galvin, President Mr. Neil Anderson, Vice President Mr. John “Jack” Haines, Chair of Finance Mr. Mark Deebold Mr. Louis Della Barca Mr. Thor Himley Mr. Brian Murphy Mrs. Mary Anne Spiker Mrs. Barbara Szilagyi
District Goals for Academic Achievement/Data Analysis: To maintain high expectations in teaching and learning by increasing the number of students reaching proficiency and advanced proficiency on the State Assessments by 2%. Communication: To explore and expand on the role of 21 st Century communication tools for community, staff and students. Finance: To explore and expand on continued cost savings and efficiencies to maintain high-quality programs and personnel as well as to maintain a reasonable tax impact.
Budget Goals for Meet the needs of a diverse student body Retain existing employees Retain existing programs Review/prioritize new personnel requests Review/prioritize capital project requests Meet the 2% Tax Levy Cap requirements
Even with building and department budgets frozen for the 4th straight year, a charter school not opening, revenue from our solar projects (electricity savings and SREC), energy conservation program, facilities rentals, preschool tuition… the proposed budget was more than $2 million over the Tax Levy Cap
EHT School District receives $2,275,704 in unexpected additional state aid! This additional state aid (only a fraction of what the state’s funding formula should provide EHT) means the district does not have to reduce $2 million to get to within the required 2% Tax Levy Cap!
Positive Results No layoffs. No program cuts. No additional fees to parents for extra/co-curricular programs. No reductions in after-school student transportation.
Positive Results New History/Social Studies Books New Staffing to address state mandates and to respond to areas of prioritized instructional/operational need Mandated Professional Development
The additional state aid was used to address: $472,583 assessment from state on capital projects funded with state grants $98,650 in additional employer contribution to PERS pension $356,000 to repave and restripe HS parking lot, including replacement of lights Plus special education costs previously funded by Federal ARRA IDEIA grant
Budget change Local Tax Levy 67,204,500 64,566,957 2,637,543 State Aid 40,107,390 36,753,924 3,353,466 Federal Aid 93,748 1,440,338 (1,346,590) Revenues from local Sources 326, , ,500 Budgeted Fund Balance 4,051,976 3,184, , ,784, ,145,623 5,638, %
Due to split year tax levy, 3 cents from will be collected during 2012 School taxes are increasing by 1 cent due to decrease in Township tax ratables School debt service payments, already approved by the voters, will increase taxes by 5 cents
Bottom line………. The budget presented this evening will increase the 2012 calendar year tax levy by 6 cents
P.L. 2011, c.202 (Senate Bill 3148) authorizes a local board of education to change the election date of school board members from the third Tuesday in April to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November The public will elect 4 board members in November - three 3-year seats and one 2-year seat
For additional information please visit: or Call and ask for Dr. McCartney and/or Mrs. Bechtel Proud to Be EHT!