W ARREN T OWNSHIP S CHOOL D ISTRICT Budget Superintendent Dr. Tami Crader Business Administrator Mrs. Patricia Leonhardt
W ARREN T OWNSHIP S CHOOL B UDGET Board Members Mrs. Mildred Spiller Mr. Donald Huber Mrs. Tia Allocco Mr. John DeBellis Ms. Desiree DeNourie Mrs. Katherine Helewa Mrs. Roberta Monahan Mr. James Sena Mr. Gregory Steier
B UDGET HIGHLIGHTS Continued Support of current Class Size Guidelines Continued support of all current programs, with the addition of new 6 th grade Math course and in-district 8 th - grade Geometry Honors course Maintaining REACH, ASAP, and full time guidance Continuation of I & D Program Expansion of World Language Program at WMS Continued Implementation of 21 st Century training/programs Full-day kindergarten After-school clubs and sports Courtesy Busing, including MS late bus Inclusion of Fine/Gross Motor support for kindergarteners Funding for new teacher evaluation system
C HANGES TO THE BUDGET Reductions: Language Arts and World Language Coordinator Stipends Literacy Coach Assistive Technology Consultancy.33 Summer Tech support Additional School Year Tech Support 2 Teaching Positions.5 Special Education Teacher
C HANGES TO THE BUDGET Additions Curriculum Supervisor Additional Technical Support position Additional.5 Data Coordinator.5 WMS Math Teacher Behaviorist
C HANGES TO THE BUDGET MUJC Mount Horeb program for students with autism will move to our own program Teacher 2 Paras.6 Speech OT/PT
N ET COST FOR P ERSONNEL CHANGES Additions $634,925 Reductions $564,100 Net Increase $70,825
B UDGET C HALLENGES Increase of 2.3% in salaries 2% Cap on Tax Levy Increase Increase in Health Care costs Cost of Technology Cost of Capital Projects Cost of Special Education
P ROJECTS F UNDED BY C APITAL R ESERVE No effect on tax levy, since funds come from capital reserve Woodland School Roof Replacement Building envelope (façade) work at ALT Building envelope (façade) work at MHS Central School Boiler Replacement
B UDGET I NFORMATION $43,118,423 budget State Aid for General Fund=$1,187,441 State aid for Debt Service=$258,392 Other Revenues=$3,322,300 (grants, capital reserve, surplus, interest on accounts, etc.) Last year’s tax levy =$37,640,056 (includes debt service tax levy) Tax Levy Increase for Fund 10 (General Fund)=1.95% ($720,341) Tax Levy Decrease for Fund 40 (debt service)= -1.65% (-$10,107) Total Amount to be raised, including debt service tax levy =$38,350,290 (1.89% increase over last year’s tax levy total)
W HAT D OES THAT M EAN TO THE T AXPAYER ? Tax rate=.9325, decrease from last year’s.939 Taxpayer who owns an average-priced house ($643,250 as defined by the municipality) will pay $126 more per year.