School Year Budget
Terms & Definitions Tax point = amount per $100 of assessed value CAP: maximum amount allowable for the local tax levy to increase Banked CAP: an adjustment of allowable CAP due to increased enrollment which may be saved and used for the next two years State Aid: amount the State contributes to the school budget Tax Levy: amount the local taxpayers contribute to the school budget
Terms & Definitions Debt service: the payment of long term debt, principal and interest What is the impact on Chesterfield’s school budget? We are paying for the new school ($587,000 principal payment) 2013 is last year to pay for old Chesterfield School ($89,000)
The budget proposed Maintains all core educational programs. Meets needs of enrollment growth. Chesterfield is ranked 3 rd in the state in 6 year growth. Includes operational expenses for a large school building with all 3 floors in use. Still maintaining old building until it is sold or leased.
Budget Influences State funding – Increase in State Aid of $53,260 Actual – State aid $ 62, State aid $189, State aid $243,250 $63,544 of the state received in summer of 2011 was designated to be used for tax relief in budget Debt service - $ 2,243,310 State Aid $ 320,189 Total budget - $ 9,811,343
Budget Influences Continued student enrollment increases necessitating increased staffing 10.1% increase in health benefits Contractual salary adjustments – last year of 3 year negotiated agreement Necessity to budget for maintenance expenses for old school and new school pending sale or lease of old school
Enrollment Growth February 2007 – February 2012
Enrollment Growth for 6 years & Chesterfield Ranking in State Figures from the Department of Education Enrollment changes: 6-year growth CODISTDISTNAME res12 res13ENP_GRR6yr Rank MONMOUTH1000DEAL BORO %1 BERGEN1270EDGEWATER BORO 952 1, %2 BURLINGTON0830 CHESTERFIELD TWP %3 MONMOUTH2320INTERLAKEN %4 GLOUCESTER1775 GLOUCESTER CO VOCATIONAL 1,141 1, %5 ATLANTIC120 ATLANTIC CO VOCATIONAL %6 MORRIS3365 MORRIS COUNTY VOCATIONAL %7 CAPE MAY5610 WEST CAPE MAY BORO %8 SALEM4640 SALEM COUNTY VOCATIONAL %9 GLOUCESTER1180 EAST GREENWICH TWP 1,029 1, %10
Average class size comparison Average class size March 1, 2012 Projected average class size March, 2013 o 20.7 students o 27 classes K-6 o 561 school age children o Per pupil cost $11,690 o 21.2 students o 29 classes K-6 o Estimated + 56 students K-6 o 617 school age children $11,513 o Per pupil cost $11,513
Five year History - Instruction $1,832, $2,107, $2,042, – 2012$2,327, – 2013$2,404,601
Special Education Instruction Resource teachers Supplies Extended School Year (IEP driven) Five year history $307, $305, $373, $387, $429,464
Basic Skills (LIFT) and English Language Service Instruction Teachers Supplies Five year history $87, $125, $135, $144, $149,100
School Sponsored Co-Curricular Activities and Remedial Summer School Clubs: Garden Club, Character Education Extra-Curricular Activities: School Variety Show Remedial Summer School Five year history $46, $21, $ 7, $15, $11,900
Special Education Tuition Special Education tuition students BCSSSD Extended school year Five year history $ 46, $172, $ 31, $ 45, $ 37,822
Speech & Related Services Speech Therapist Extended school year speech services Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Itinerant Teacher of Deaf services Paraprofessionals Applied Behavior Analysis Five year history $243, $279, $259, $255, $274,444
Child Study Team Services Learning Disability Teacher-Consultant Psychologist Social Worker Purchases services (outside evaluations) Supplies & expenses Five year history $163, $178, $198, $223, $258,244
Health & Attendance Nurse School Physician Health Aide Nursing supplies Attendance services Five year history $136, $160, $148, $154, $151,501
Guidance & School-Wide Testing Counselor Secretarial support Testing expenses Five year history $32, $24, $29, $34, $34,720
Curriculum Supervisor of Instruction Secretarial support Curriculum development Professional associations Supplies Five year history $103, $93, $92, $96, $93,166
Educational Media/Library Librarian, Library aide Summer Media Center/Tech work Books & supplies Automated system licensing fee & support Five year history $ 83, $ 87, $102, $102, $ 70,464
Professional Development Teacher in-service, training and articulation on site Off site workshops, conferences Five year history $13, $16, $ 5, $11, $11,124
General Administration Superintendent, Treasurer, Legal Services, Auditor, Architect, Bid Purchase Services, Telephone, Board Liability Insurance, Postage, Supplies, Five year history $161, $190, $181, $183, $194,014
School Administration Superintendent (Principal portion), Assistant Principal, Secretarial support, Substitute Registry, Educational workshops for administrative purposes, professional dues Five year history $161, $215, $226, $231, $231,996
School Business Office Services Business Administrator & staff Human Resources/payroll Accounts payable Printing & advertising Software systems & support associated with personnel, payroll, budget, telecommunications & network management Student accident insurance Technology services
School Business Office Services Five year history $240, $273, $206, $214, $211,311
Operation & Maintenance of Plant Custodians Lunch/recess/copy aides Liability & property insurance Contracted services Custodial supplies Electricity, heat Clerical support
Operation & Maintenance Five year History $608, $635, $655, $875, $923,797
Student Transportation Fuel & Maintenance Regular & Special Routes Aid in Lieu: Non- public school reimbursement Drivers, transportation aides, secretarial support Five year history $393, $440, $279, $272, $278,787
Employee Benefits Social Security Workers Compensation Health benefits, Dental, Prescription Tuition reimbursement PERS retirement contribution Five year history $ 822, $1,031, $1,305, $1,430, $1,573, % increase health benefits
Food Services Audit Contracted Services through Food Management Company Lunch Prices Five year history $ $ $ $ $ 0
Equipment and Capital Outlay Equipment purchases exceeding $2000 Capital outlay – an improvement to the building or grounds, such as repair of a unit ventilator Five Year History $4, $ $ $ $ 50
Total Operating Budget $5,430, $6,360, $6,221, $7,085, $7,423,858
Federal & State Grants Federal grant funds (Public & Non-public) IDEA - Special Education tuition, related services, supplemental instruction, supplies No Child Left Behind (NCLB) – Professional development, technology, safe drug free schools, services for at-risk students ARRA (additional IDEA funds) State grant funds – Non-public nursing, technology, textbooks, supplemental instruction Other – vary year to year i.e., REAP
2012 – 2013 REVENUE
Percentage Revenue
Revenues Fund Balance$ 330,247 Local Tax Levy$ 6,764,011 Interest & Misc Revenue$ 86,350 State Aid$ 243,250 Total Operating Budget $7,423,858 Grants$ 144,175 Debt Service $ 2,243,310 Total Budget$ 9,811,343
COMPARISON BUDGET 2011 – 2012 Fund Balance$ 408,554 Local Tax Levy$6,470,600 Misc. Revenue$ 67,523 State Aid$ 139,048 Operating Budget$7,085,735 Grants & Entitlements State & Federal $ 154,508 Repayment of Debt Budget Fund Balance$ 499,669 Local Tax Levy$1,337,762 State Aid$ 304,669 Total$2,142, – 2013 Fund Balance$ 330,247 Local Tax Levy$6,764,011 Misc. Revenue$ 86,300 State Aid$ 243,250 Operating Budget$7,423,858 Grants & Entitlements State & Federal$ 144,175 Repayment of Debt Budget Fund Balance$ 587,541 Local Tax Levy$1,335,580 State Aid$ 320,189 Total$2,243,310
Tax Points & Assessed Values Tax point 2011 $71,414 Chesterfield Tax point 2012 $71,900 Chesterfield Average assessed value of home in Chesterfield 2011 $ 396,472 Average assessed value of home in Chesterfield 2012 $396,860
Average Home Assessed Value is $396,860 A home assessed at $396,860 will realize a $ tax increase for the operating budget $ ($ 5.51)Debt service (Already approved) $ Total
Additional adjustments to tax impact from unexpended bond proceeds The Board may adopt a resolution to pay $587,000, principal payment of Debt Service, for new school with unexpended bond proceeds
Budget Adopted 3/26/2012 by BOE after adoption of resolution Budget Total Operating Budget $ 7,423,858 Total Grants & Entitlements $ 144,175 Total Repayments of Debt $ 2,243,310 Totals $ 9,811,343 Local Tax Levy $ 6,764,011 n/a $ 1,335,580 $ 8,099,591