HAZLET TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2014 – 2015 SCHOOL BUDGET INFORMATION Dr. Bernard F. Bragen, Jr. Superintendent of Schools Mr. Christopher J. Mullins School Business Administrator
Where do we begin?
The Hazlet Township Public Schools’ Mission Educating our students…to achieve their maximum potential. The Hazlet Township Public Schools’ Vision In the pursuit of excellence, the Hazlet Township Public School District, through a rigorous academic program with high expectations, will provide students with opportunities that lead them to become responsible, independent-thinking, global citizens. The school community will implement this vision through ongoing and honest self-reflection with a commitment to continuous improvement.
Public Hearing County Approval Full Board of Education Board Finance Committee Central Office Administration Building Level Budgetary Process
School Budget Objectives Articulate a sound multi-year approach. This will be accomplished by assessing the attainment of previous goals and planning for future goals outlined in the District’s Middle States Evaluation and Long Range Strategic Plan. Ensure all resources are expended in relation to the district goals and plan, and are driven by student achievement. In order to do this, adequate levels of measurement, data collection and analysis must be completed. Demonstrate that the Administrative Team and the Board of Education have made sound budgeting decisions that are in the best interests of the school community and aligned with student needs.
Ten-Year Budget History GeneralBudget StateState Aid TaxTax Levy BudgetChange AidChangeSurplusLevyIncrease ,809,052 1,496, % 11,916, ,051,376 26,543, ,5222.3% ,183,254 2,374, % 11,916, ,530,238 28,587,284 2,043,3187.7% ,861, , % 11,966,050 50, ,000 29,790,041 1,202,7574.2% ,080,534 1,218, % 12,299, , ,000 30,632, ,3832.8% ,111,488 1,030, % 13,454,433 1,155,151 1,324,822 30,982, ,8091.1% ,623, , % 13,454,145 (288) 1,206,000 31,600, ,8252.0% ,040,449 (582,700)-1.25% 11,125,785 (2,328,360) 1,196,087 33,315,527 1,715,4695.4% * 47,007, , % 11,125, ,195,444 33,440, ,9360.4% ,219,480 1,212, % 12,606,511 1,480,726 1,712,653 33,440, % ** 48,430, , % 12,606, ,250,000 34,108, ,4192.0% ,680,012 1,249, % 12,666,951 60,440 1,456,337 35,091, ,1782.9% **Without Capital Reserve of $1,550,000* had a $124,936 reduction in debt service tax levy.
Two-Year Revenue Comparison REVENUE SUMMARY CHANGE Local Property Taxation 34,108,882 35,091, ,178 Fund Balance 1,250,000 1,456, ,337 Capital Reserve 1,550,000 - (1,550,000) Tuition 80,000 95,000 15,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 225,050 - State Aid 12,731,511 12,791,951 60,440 Federal Aid 35,000 20,701 (14,299) Total General Fund 49,980,443 49,680,099 (300,344)
State Aid History
STATE AID As per the State of New Jersey, Department of Education, Division of Administration and Finance, Office of School Finance: Projected State Aid$14,799,560 Prorated State Aid$12,606,511 Shortfall$ 2,193,049 Figures have not been released yet for the budget however, this shortfall needs to be corrected.
TAX LEVY With a lower increase than permitted last year and no increase in school taxes in and , Hazlet real estate taxes in this budget remain $1.29 million LESS than permitted by State Regulations. $481,666 in banked CAP expires with the adoption of this budget and can never be raised again. $804,044 of banked CAP will be carried forward.
School Development Authority (SDA) Grants The District has been awarded an additional $1.3 million in construction grants from the SDA. This bring the totals awards to $2,325,428, over the four phases of the grant awards. SchoolPurposeBudgetState ShareLocal Raritan High SchoolBoiler Replacement 623, , ,800 Raritan High SchoolGym RTU Replacement 634, , ,400 Lillian Drive SchoolPartial Roof Replacement 507, , ,320 Middle Road SchoolStructural Repairs 760, , ,480 Raritan Valley SchoolWindow Replacement 228,240 91, ,944 Middle Road SchoolMedia Center 65,052 26,021 39,031 Raritan High SchoolRTU - Café/Kit/Locker 446, , ,900 Total $ 3,264,792 $ 1,305,917 $ 1,958,875
All current educational programs and initiatives remain intact!
What are some new initiatives contained in the School Budget?
PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS Expanded AP and Technology offerings in Raritan High School New AVID Program in Middle School and High School Increased course offerings in High School and Middle School New Textbooks (AP, Algebra & Social Studies) Expanded Summer Enrichment including Advanced Placement Implementation of Middle States District-Wide Accreditation Goals
TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENTS New Software Programs / APPS SMARTBoards iPads and iTouches Chromebooks Laptops TV Studio Upgrades ELMO Document Camera Projection Systems
FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS HVAC Systems at Raritan High School Technology Infrastructure Media Center at Middle Road School Window Replacements Interior and Exterior Doors Bathroom Renovations Classroom Renovations
DISTRICT BUDGET Dedicated to supporting our students in achieving their maximum potential, as well as remaining fiscally responsible
For more detailed budget and school information visit: “Educating our students…to achieve their maximum potential.”