Seismic Hazard Estimation of Mymensingh Township Area Dewan Md. Enamul Haque Lecturer Department of Disaster Science and Management (DSM) Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Dhaka 11/05/20141
Seismic Hazards: A Look Behind Numbers (Cities are the Worst Sufferers) Popular Name Main Countries Affected Date of Event Main Cities Affected Total Number of Deaths Total Number of Affected Total Damage US$ (billions) Haiti Earthquake Haiti12 Jan 2010Po-au-Prince2,22,5703,400,000n/a Sichuan Earthquake China12 May 2008Belchuan and Surrounding Cities 87,47645,976,59685 Java Earthquake Indonesia27 May 2006Yogyakarta5,7783,177, Kashmir Earthquake Pakistan8 Oct 2005Muzaffarbad73,3385,128, Bam Earthquake Iran26 Dec 2003Bam26,7962,67, Gujarat Earthquake India26 Jan 2001Bhuj, Ahmadabad 20,0056,321, Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Database 11/05/20142
Seismic Waves Jacques Jenny, Geo2X 11/05/2014 4
N Indian Shield Himalayan Mountain RangeShillong Plateau Mikhir Hills Chittagong Hill Tracts Burmese Mountain Range Geologic History of Bangladesh & Surroundings Source: Akter SH 5 11/05/2014
Seismicity In and Around Bangladesh Source: CDMP 11/05/ Major Fault Lines of Bangladesh: DF=Dauki Fault; MF= Madhupur Fault; PBF= Plate Boundary Fault Location of Epicenters of Historical Earthquakes
Seismic Hazard Potential of Mymensingh Town Mymensingh District Mymensingh Municipality Source: Mymensingh Pourashava Office 11/05/20147
Seismic Hazard Potential of Mymensingh Town Mymensingh township area lies geologically in active seismic zone. Suitable place for township area for sound communication network and better educational facilities. One of the densely populated cities in Bangladesh: 10,392 people per km 2 & 1,997 building per km 2 Stiff/Dense soil is the characteristic soil type of Mymensingh Municipality. Seismic Hazard Risk Sensitive Land use Planning for Mymensingh town yet not implemented. In sum, Mymensingh town is highly vulnerable to the earthquake disaster due to proximity of major faults, high density of population and unplanned land use pattern. 11/05/20148
Question & Answer Session 11/05/20149
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