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3 Do take notes as we peruse through this lesson…
4 Public Land Survey System PLSS
5 PLSS is an antiquated land reference system that relies on landmarks as a base…
6 Notice on the Livermore Quadrangle …red lines…these are the PLSS reference lines….
7 These lines are in concert with lines of longitude and latitude…
8 The PLSS word for longitude is range (R)…which are at the top and bottom of the map…
9 The PLSS word for latitude is township (T) which are along the left and right sides of a map
10 So a PLSS grid looks like this… Range Township
11 A PLSS grid
12 The range and township of Maciel is range R2E and township T2S
13 With me so far!!!
14 This range and township is a 6 mile by 6 mile square… Range Township
15 It can be further divided into 36, 1 mile squares called sections…
16 They are numbered as such…
17 So Maciel is in range R2E and township T2S and section 30…
18 Each section can be further divided in quadrants…
19 No grids are provided so this is done by eyeball… NWNE SWSE
20 So so Maciel is in range R2E and township T2S and section 30…and in the NE quadrant… NW SW NE SE
21 Maciel: R2E,T2S section 30 NE1/4…
23 END L09-4