Cayley Theorem Every group is isomorphic to a permutation group.
Example: U(10) U(10) = {1, 3, 7, 9} Definition: For g in U(10), let T g (x)= gx T 1 (x) = T 3 (x) = T 7 (x) = T 9 (x) = x T 1 = 3x T 3 = ( ) 7x T 7 = ( ) 9x T 9 =(1 9)(3 7)
Every group is isomorphic to a permutation group Proof: Let G be any group. 1.For g in G, define T g (x) = gx. We show T g is a permutation on G. 2.Let S = {T g | for g in G} We show S is a permutation group. 3.Define the map :G S by (g)=T g We show is an isomorphism.
1. T g is a permutation on G. Suppose T g (x) = T g (y). Then gx = gy. By left cancellation, x=y. Hence T g is 1 to 1. Choose any y in G. Let x = g -1 y Then T g (x) = gx = gg -1 y = y So T g is onto. This shows that T g is a permutation.
2. {T g | g in G} is a group The operation is composition. For a,b,x, T a T b (x) = T a (bx) = a(bx) = (ab)x =T ab (x) So T a T b = T ab (*) From (*), T e T a = T ea = T a, So T e is the identity in S. If b = a -1 we have, T a T b = T ab = T e So T a -1 = T b and S has inverses. Function composition is associative. Therefore, S is a group.
3. (g) = T g is isomorphism 1.Choose a, b in G. Suppose (a) = (b). Then T a = T b. In particular, for any x in G, T a (x) = T b (x) ax = bx a = b Therefore is one-to-one.
(g) = T g is isomorphism 2.Choose any T g in S. Then (g) = T g Therefore, is onto.
(g) = T g is isomorphism 3.Choose any a, b in G. Then (ab) = T ab = T a T b by (*) = (a) (b) Therefore, is Operation Preserving. It follows that is an isomorphism.
Why do we care? The permutation group we constructed is called the Left Regular Representation of G. Every abstract group can be represented in a concrete way It shows that abstract groups are all permutation groups, unifying the study of both.