Dr Lili Sisombat Project Manager G-PSF Coordinating Bureau IFC - MPDF 1 Cambodia Government-Private Sector Forum (G-PSF) Dakar, April 2008
Cambodia G-PSF in brief More than 1,000 issues raised, important results in some sectors Production system works with meetings, collect, filtering, process Structure in place. Forum has status of a govt cabinet meeting Wide outreach but disparity in leadership Trust, information flows gov. PS, strong leadership from PM; strengthens democratization process and rule of Law; Since Forums held Status as cabinet level meeting Chaired by Prime Minister $69.2 mil in savings Sectoral/Cross-cutting Working Groups
3 Cambodia-GPSF embedded in the Government Consultation with the PS Strategy and Policy Consultation with Devt Partners and G-PSF Government Private Sector Forum Chair: HE Hun Sen Coordination: HE Keat Chhon General secretary: HE Sok Chenda Steering Committee On Private Sector Development (Chair: HE Keat Chhon) Sub-steering Committee on Investment Climate and PPI (HE Keat Chhon) Sub-steering Committee on Trade Development and Related Investment (HE Cham Prasidh) Sub-steering Committee on SME (HE Suy Sem) Established by decrees, these mechanisms are institutionalized et demonstrate the Commitment of the Royal Government of Cambodia to the PS
4 G-PSF dialogue structure
Major BEE Impacts of the Cambodia G-PSF Reduction in trade facilitation fees and procedures Improved labor regulations to encourage night shifts Reduction in bank licensing procedures and prudential regulations PS inputs to several laws and regulations: tourism law, ADR, Telecoms law, customs law, Financial Blueprint A major achievement of the PPDs is the dialogue in and of itself PPD reforms have generated measurable savings for the private sector : –70 millions savings for the PS (Sample of 15 reforms) –ROI of $105 per dollar spent (Evaluation Assesment of the G-PSF, 2007)
6 Increase focus on strategic management aspects, with a better adapted management structure for the PPDs. Work with others to expand dialogue to the provinces. Strengthen research, technical expertise and support to Working Groups. Use PPD process as tool for donor coordination on PSD programs aligning donor programs technical assistance input into CG meetings Focus on building capacity of local institutions to transfer role as facilitator to private sector and build sustainability. Lessons Learned from Years of Experience
IFC secretariat 3 – Expansion to Provinces (with other Devt Partners) 1 - Dialogue management & Communications 2 - Support to Business Membership Organizations 4 – Technical Assistance research Coordination with other Development Agencies – Aligning TA IFC Role
Trust Education Discovering what works / What doesn’t Setting up production process EARLY RESULTS Phase 3Phase 2Phase 1 Results Time Permanent brokering Institutions (SNEC, etc) BMOs (Chamber of Co, GMAC) Ownership without capacity Exit More capacity Better production Better product More conflict HIGH IMPACT RESULTS 1 to 3 years 8 Cambodia G-PSF mature, in phase 3
Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry of Tourism National Bank of Cambodia Minitry of Transport and Telecoms Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Industry, Mines, Energy Ministry of Agriculture G –PSF Bi-Annual Meeting EXIT OPTION 1 : no Coordination Bureau, Strong Membership Organizations Law, Tax, Gov Working Group Tourism Working Group Services Working Group Energy and Infrastructure WG Export Proces. and Trade Fac. WG Industrial Relations WG Manuf and SMEs Working Group Agriculture and Agro- Industries WG IBCCATA, CHA, ROAC, airlines Association of Banks in Cambodia CAMTA, CAMFFA, ICT- CAM GMAC, handicraft assn… CamfebaPPSMIA, SMI, CEPMEC, etc Federation of Ricemillers Business Community in Phnom Penh Bus Assn supported by Devt Partners Provincial dialogues under Chamber of Commerce Business Associations provide Support to Working Groups Working Groups discuss directly with the relevant ministries
10 Processes – tools Lessons sharing PUBLIC PRIVATE INSTITUTION FOR G-PSF TA researchCommunication Suppport provided Capacity building Of BMOs Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry of Tourism National Bank of Cambodia Minitry of Transport and Telecoms Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Industry, Mines, Energy Ministry of Agriculture Law, Tax, Gov Working Group Tourism Working Group Services Working Group Energy and Infrastructure WG Export Proces. and Trade Fac. WG Industrial Relations WG Manuf and SMEs Working Group Agriculture and Agro- Industries WG EXIT OPTION 2 : A PUBLIC-PRIVATE INSTITUTION
For more information Dr Lili Sisombat Project manager Government – Private Sector Forum International Finance Corporation 11