* House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section
Fine Arts Program rated Exemplary Honors Band earns a UIL Sweepstakes Award The Honors Band earns a Superior Trophy at the RGV Band Festival and ranks 3 rd out of 30 bands. Honors Band earns Superior Trophy, Best in Class Trophy, and Middle School Band Grand Champion Trophy at the San Antonio Royal Music Festival The Lucio Band is the 2013 TMEA Region 28 CCC Honor Band “1 st Place - Best Band in the Valley” The Lucio Band is the TMEA Area G CCC Honor Band Finalist “3 rd Place” The Lucio Middle School Choir program continued it’s tradition of excellence throughout the school year. Thirty students earned a Superior rating at Solo and Ensemble Contest in October. At the annual UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest in March, the Varsity Treble choir earned their second consecutive Sweepstakes award for their outstanding performances on stage and in the Sight Reading room. The Tenor-Bass Choir earned their first Superior rating for their performance in the Sight Reading room and the Non-Varsity Treble Choir earned a Superior rating for their stage performance. LUCIO M.S.
Wellness and Physical Education Programs rated Recognized 100% participation in the Red Ribbon Week events. 100% of students were tested using the Fitness Gram. Campus sponsored a Health Fair on January 10, Campus Name
Community and Parental Involvement rated Recognized Lucio M.S. participated in community service projects and conducted activities that increased parent participation in meetings relevant to district programs. Lucio. M.S. provided academic / assessment tutorials / accelerated instruction. Campus Name
21 st Century Workforce Development rated Exemplary Students participated in career and college days or events. All personal growth plans (PGPs) were completed by the end of the 1 st semester. Campus Name
Second Language Acquisition Program Recognized ELL students were provided with cultural awareness experiences. ELL students in need of supplemental academic support were provided language tools to assist in development of the English language listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Campus Name
Digital Learning Environment rated Recognized Campus resources were aimed at supporting technology integration in instruction (smartboards, clickers, LCD projectors, I-pads, laptops, etc.). Digital communication was supported between students, teachers, and parents (campus website, school messenger, , etc.). Campus Name
Dropout Prevention Strategies rated Recognized At least 20% of at- risk students participated in accelerated instruction (after school tutorials, Saturday academies, 21 st century, etc.) Less than 11% of Lucio M.S. students were retained in Campus Name
Gifted and Talented Program rated Recognized All teachers assigned G/T identified students during the school year participated in on- going training appropriate for G/T students. GT identified students participated in showcase opportunities (chess, history fair, science fair, UIL, etc.). Campus Name